Guidelines for Troubleshooting Errors from Setup Data Export and Import Processes

Use the information in this topic to troubleshoot warning or error messages that you might receive when you run setup data export and import related processes. You might receive errors when you:

  • Export or import XML based configuration packages

  • Export or import CSV file packages

  • Compare setup data

If there are any exceptions, the process completes with the status: Completed with warnings, or Completed with errors. Click Status to view the exception details on the process results page.

Review Process Results

The process results page lists all business objects whose setup data couldn't be processed successfully. You could also download a summary report of the process results from the Actions > Download > Process Results Summary Report. Download the summary and review log files of each failed business object to identify what type of error occurred, and take appropriate corrective actions.

Download Log Files

Click Download Log File button on the Process Results page to download the file that includes error details of all failed business objects when running a process for an offering, a functional area or a task. Alternatively, use the Business Objects table to select a specific business object and then go to Action > Download Log File to download error details of a specific business object.

For export and import of implementation project-based configuration packages, click the Status Details link on the Process Results page and download the error log. The log file includes information about all the business objects that failed.

For the comparison of two configuration packages, click the Status link on the Process Results page and download the error log. The log file includes information about all the failed business objects. Alternatively, you can use the Business Objects table to select a specific business object and then use Status Details column to download error details of a specific business object.

Examine Log Files

The text in a log file begins with general information about the process. All business objects are listed in the same order as they were processed. For each business object, you will find a summary of the total number of records processed and how many of those records failed processing. If any record or a business object fails, then its status details shows the relevant error message along with the name of the product that owns the business object. Detailed information about the cause of failure for each record appears in the Row Identifier.

Setup data of certain business objects are processed in batches. In those cases, detailed information for the failed record will also include the batch file name in which the record is created.


Review detailed information provided for the failed objects and determine if you can fix the cause of the error. Resubmit the export or import process once you have fixed the issue. If, on the other hand, you determine that you can't fix the cause of the error, report it to the product shown in the status detail of the business object. Include the log file in your service request so that the product owner has relevant details to analyze the error.

Common Error Types

Here are some of the common errors seen at the time of running setup data export and import related processes.

Error Type

Example Error Message


Suggested Action

Access Related

Access Denied

The user doesn't have the necessary permissions to export or import setup data of the business object.

Refer to the Using Functional Setup Manager guide to find out which role is needed. Grant that role to the user before the user runs the process again.

Setup Data Processing Related

  • Review and report the errors for this business object to product <product name>

  • The values <reference key> aren't valid for the attribute <attribute name>.

One or more records of a business object caused an exception when the setup data is processed. An error can also occur if the record of a dependent business object can't find the reference to its parent record.

  • Download and review the log file for detailed information and take the necessary action.

  • If the error indicates invalid attribute values, find the missing dependent business object and fix the reference between the parent and child business objects.

  • If nothing is reported in the log file, report the error to the product shown in the status details

Multiple Business Objects Sharing the Export or Import Service

This object was already processed. The import or export details were listed along with <name of the business object processed previously>

If multiple business objects are processed by the same export or import service and an error occurs during the process, error details are reported on the first business object processed by the export or import service, while the status details of the remaining business objects sharing the service displays the error message.

Fix the error reported on the first business object.

Invalid File Format

The format of the file <filename> is invalid. The XML should have the same number of attributes for all rows within a node path.

This error message is applicable only to the export or import of CSV file packages and setup data comparison process.

Download the log file and report the error to the product specified in the error message.

Export or Import Service Invocation


You might find a business object failing with the message that an error was experienced while invoking the export or import service.

Download the log file and report the error to the product specified in the error message.

Data File Size Related

The file xxx for the business object exceeds the size limit of xx MB.

To export and import setup data, a file size limit is set in FSM for each business object data file. When a data file exceeds this limit, the import and comparison processes are unable to process the data file and display this error message.

Consider processing a small set of data using scope if applicable to filter data and reduce the data file size. If you can't reduce the data file size, you may temporarily increase the file size limit in the environment to process the file as is. Remember to reset the file size limit to the default value after the process is complete. For instructions about changing the export file size, see topic Additional Settings for Setup Data Export and Import Processes.