How You Use Functional Areas to Manage Setup

After you enable an offering and configure the opt-in selection of its functional areas and features, you can set up the offering by using its functional areas as a guide.

An "adopt-as-you-go" approach to functional setup gives you the flexibility to set up different functional areas of the offering at different times.

For example, you can begin with setup of the functional areas you require immediately to start transactions. You can then set up other functional areas as you adopt additional offering functionality over time. This setup process is ideal for an enterprise looking for a simpler implementation approach that follows setup best practices.

Functional Areas

When using this method, you start by selecting one of the offerings you enabled. Based on your opt-in configuration, all its enabled functional areas, which include core and optional functional areas, are automatically displayed in a list to guide you through the setup tasks. The display order reflects the sequence in which the functional areas should be set up because setup data of the functional areas listed higher up in the list are usually prerequisite for those shown lower in the list. Any functional area for which setup is mandatory is marked with an asterisk.

Functional areas that are applicable to more than one of your enabled offerings are marked as shared to allow you to evaluate whether they were previously set up during the implementation of another offering. Even if a shared functional area was set up previously, you may still need to evaluate if it requires additional setup data for the offering you're presently implementing.

For some functional areas, Quick Setup may be available to implement its basic functionality quickly. A Quick Setup icon next to a functional area indicates if Quick Setup is available. You can use this task instead of the setup task list to set up those functional areas.

Setup Tasks

For each functional area, a sequenced list of tasks representing the setup best practices according to your opt-in configuration of the features is shown to guide you through optimal implementation requirements. Use the tasks to enter the setup data they represent. Like functional areas, the display order of the tasks always reflects the sequence in which they should be performed to address setup data dependencies.

Required Tasks

Only the required setup tasks are shown by default to minimize your setup effort and to make the offering ready for transactions sooner. However, you can also review the rest of the tasks in the list, which are typically optional or have predefined default values based on common use cases, and decide whether your implementation must change their default setup data.

Tasks with Scope

If any setup data is segmented by a specific attribute or scope, you may need to perform the task iteratively. If so, you must select a qualifying scope value prior to performing the task. You can pick a scope value that was previously selected, select a new scope value, or create a new scope value and then select it. The selected value is a qualifying attribute of the setup data and therefore, different setup data can be entered for the different scope values.


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