Import Setup Data Using Implementation Project

The exported setup data of an implementation project is available as a configuration package. Using this procedure, you can extract the setup data from the configuration package and import it.

To do this task, you need the Export Import Functional Setups User (ORA_ASM_FUNCTIONAL_SETUPS_USER_ABSTRACT) role. You also need an appropriate application administrator role or a role with task-specific privileges to migrate the setup data. And, you need access to additional roles if you're importing certain business objects. For more information about additional role to import those business objects, see topic Additional Access Required for Exporting and Importing Setup Data.

To import setup data from a configuration package, follow these steps.

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance.

  2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select Manage Configuration Packages from the Tasks panel tab.

  3. On the Manage Configuration Packages page, click the Upload button from the Search Results table to go to the Upload Configuration Package page.

  4. Click the Browse button to browse and select the configuration package you want to import.

  5. Click the Get Details button and review the information in Configuration Package Details and Implementation Project Details to verify that you uploaded the correct configuration package for import. If you didn't upload the correct configuration package file, click the Update button to upload the correct file and verify again.

  6. Click Submit to start the upload process.

  7. Your configuration package is listed in the Search Results table in the Manage Configuration Package page.

  8. Select the configuration package from the Search Results table to view its process details in the Export and Import Processes table.

  9. Monitor the upload process until it completes. Once the upload process completes successfully, your configuration package is ready for import.

  10. Select the upload process from the Export and Import Processes table and click Import Setup Data.

  11. On the Import Setup Data: Enter Basic Information page, click Submit to start the import process with the default settings.

  12. You can also make the following modifications before submitting the import process:

    • On the Import Setup Data: Basic Information page, you can change the default process name and description, to help you identify the process later.

    • On the Import Setup Data: Basic Information page, the Pause process each time an error occurs option is selected by default, to indicate that the import process pauses each time it encounters an error. This gives you an opportunity to take corrective action. You can deselect this option so that the import process continues despite the errors. A summary of all the errors is displayed after the process finishes.


      If the import process doesn't pause for each error, it doesn't require your attention throughout the process. However, this also increases the possibility of additional business objects failing import due to dependencies.

    • The import process also pauses by default for each task that requires manual data loading. To override this pausing, follow these steps:

      • Click Next to go to the Import Setup Data: Select Pause for External Import page.

      • Select Manual data loading from the Type menu.

      • The Pause column displays a check mark for the tasks that require manual data loading before the import can resume. If manual data loading can be performed before or after the import process, this column doesn't display a check mark.

      • Review the list of tasks and deselect the Pause column corresponding to the tasks for which you don't want the import process to pause.


        Use this option only when you're certain that the setup data for these tasks already exists in the target environment. Import of setup data whose prerequisite is the data that requires manual data loading may fail if this prerequisite data doesn't exist when the dependent data is imported.

    • The import process runs immediately when submitted. However, you can also schedule the import process to start at a certain time. To schedule a time, click Next to go to the Import Setup Data: Schedule and Notifications page. Select Use a schedule and specify a start time.

  13. Monitor the import process until it completes. The process status changes according to the state of the process. Select the status to go to the Export and Import Process Results page, and take the appropriate action as follows.

    • In Progress: While the process is still in progress, you may review how much progress the process made at the time. Click the Refresh button to get the most recent information.

    • Completed Successfully: Review the process results to determine if any setup tasks must be performed manually after the import to properly complete migration of the setup data. If yes, perform those tasks.

    • Waiting for Manual Import: If a setup task requires manual data entry before the import process can continue, the status reads Waiting for Manual Import. Click Go to Task for the corresponding business object to open the setup user interface. Alternatively, you can enter the setup data manually. After you enter the required setup data, click Resume from the Export and Import Process Results page, or from the Manage Configuration Packages page to restart the import process.

    • Waiting to review errors: If you selected the Pause process each time an error occurs option when you created the import process, this status displays when the import process encounters an error while running. Click Actions > Download log file corresponding to the specific business object to review the error details. Take appropriate corrective action and click Resume from the Export and Import Process Results page, or from the Manage Configuration Package page.

      Optionally, you may skip the business object that generated the error, and continue from the next object. However, skip these business objects only if you're certain that the error was fixed in the environment, and that the import process doesn't require reprocessing the business object.

    • Completed with errors: When the process completes with errors, click Actions > Download log file corresponding to the business objects with errors, to review the error details.

  14. Create a new import process after you correct the errors.