create Operation

The create operation validates and then creates the business object that a request payload passes. The business object includes the top-level object entity as well as the descendant object entities.

Operation Signature

Using the Sales Lead service as an example, the following is the signature of the create operation that accepts a business object to be defined. Here, createSalesLead is the request payload, and the business object it defines is a Sales Lead object of MklLead type.

<element name="createSalesLead">
            <element name="salesLead" type="ns1:MklLead"/>

The create operation returns the newly defined business object in the response payload.

<element name="createSalesLeadResponse">
            <element name="result" type="ns1:MklLead"/>/>


This example creates a Sales Lead object for Issaquah Imaging Innovations - Tablets with a deal amount estimated at $100,000 USD.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
                <ns2:Name>Issaquah Imaging Innovations - Tablets</ns2:Name>
                <ns2:DealAmount currencyCode="USD">100000</ns2:DealAmount>

The response payload returns the newly created Sales Lead object after the operation completes successfully.

<ns0:createSalesLeadResponse xmlns="" xmlns:env="" 
xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:wsu="
    <ns2:result xmlns:ns0="" 
xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns4:MklLead">
        <ns4:Name>Issaquah Imaging Innovations - Tablets</ns4:Name>
        <ns4:OwnerPartyName>Gabrielle Lee</ns4:OwnerPartyName>
        <ns4:Rank xsi:nil="true"/>
        <ns4:DealAmount currencyCode="USD" 

Related Operations

To create a child object on an existing business object, you cannot use the create operation. Instead, use the merge operation.

To create multiple business objects with a single request, use the process operation. This operation allows you to control whether the response returns no value, only the primary keys, or the entire object. You can also use the process operation to create large business objects for which response payload values are not required.

Related Topics
  • Standard CRUD Operations
  • delete Operation
  • get Operation
  • find Operation
  • find by additional predefined search criteria Operation
  • update Operation
  • merge Operation
  • process Operation