Enter Setup Data Using Assigned Tasks
You can enter setup data using assigned tasks from the Assigned Implementation Tasks page.
To enter setup data using assigned tasks, follow these steps:
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In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select Assigned Implementation Tasks from the Tasks panel tab.
On the Assigned Implementation Tasks page, find the task for which you want to enter data. Use filters if necessary to help you find the task.
Check if the task has dependencies on predecessor tasks. If so, check the statuses and recommended statuses for the predecessor tasks.
Click Go to Task to go to the page for entering setup data for the task. You need task-specific privileges to perform this step. Refer to the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Security Reference for Common Features guide for more details on task-specific privilege requirements.
If the task requires a scope, then select a scope value. If you previously selected a scope value then that value is listed in the Scope column. Verify that the correct scope value is selected and if needed, select a different value by clicking it. You can Create a new value, Select and Add an existing value, or select one from the list of previously selected values. Click Apply and Go to Task when you finish your selection. The selected scope value is used for all tasks that use the same scope unless you change it.
Enter the setup data. When you finish, close the page to return to the setup task list.
Click the icon in the Status column to change status
Click the number in the Notes column to add a note if necessary.
Select other tasks from the list and repeat the steps to enter setup data for them.