Setup | Set up offerings
Hi, my name is Mike. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how set up an offering.
You must have the Functional Setups User role to set up an offering, and the appropriate application administrator role to enter and modify setup data. Before you can set up, you must first configure the offering as shown in the Configure Offerings tutorial. To begin, go to the Setup page.
Click Setup and Maintenance.
You can only set up offerings that you have previously enabled. Enabled offerings are shown in alphabetical order. Select Workforce Development.
Click the Compensation Management drop-down list and select Workforce Development.
Based on how you’ve configured the offering, all enabled functional areas are displayed in a list. The display order reflects the sequence in which the functional areas should be set up. The functional areas listed higher up are usually prerequisites for the setups of the functional areas shown lower in the list.
Highlight upper and lower areas as you scroll.
The shared link indicates that a functional area is used other enabled offerings. Open the link to find out which of the other offerings are using this functional area. This allows you to evaluate whether or not you have already set up the functional area as part of setting up another offerings.
Click Shared link for Initial Users, scroll through, then click Done.
An asterisk indicates that setup is mandatory.
Highlight the asterisk column.
When a functional area is selected, the required setup tasks are displayed.
Highlight the Required Task field.
If setup is mandatory for the functional area, then the required setup tasks are shown by default. You can change the filter to All to show additional tasks that are optional, but you might decide to perform them depending on your business needs.
Change Required to All and highlight the list below that now shows all tasks.
If a functional area does not have any required setup tasks, all of the setup tasks are displayed. Like Functional Areas, the display order of the tasks reflects the sequence in which they should be performed. Tasks at the top of the list are typically prerequisites for the tasks that are lower on the list. The list shows only the tasks that are necessary to set up the features you opted in when you configured the offering.
Click Workforce Profiles and highlight All Tasks field.
If you change your offering configuration you might need to perform additional setup tasks. To perform a task, just click on the task name. Here’s where you can enter the relevant setup data. In this case, you don’t have to make any change to the existing setup.
Click Talent Notifications.
Return to the task list and continue to perform the rest of the tasks in the list.
Once you finish setting up the offering, you are ready to export the setup and migrate it to production environment. Watch the Perform Offering Export tutorial next to learn how to export setup of an offering from one environment and migrate it to another.
Click Cancel.
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