Cross-Product Features | Submit a scheduled process
Hello my name is Mike. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to submit a scheduled process and see the output.
To start, go to the Scheduled Processes work area, and start here to submit a process.
Click Tools.
Click Scheduled Processes.
Click Schedule New Process.
The process I want to run isn’t listed here, so I’ll search for it.
Click the Search: Name drop-down list and then click Search.
In the Name field, enter Trial Balance Report and then click Search.
Here’s the one I want, so I’ll select it.
Many processes have parameters that control which records are included or what the process does. In this case, I’ll leave the default values.
There are more options in Advanced mode. For example, I can run this process at a specific time or on a recurring basis…or just have it go as soon as possible.
Click Advanced.
Click the Schedule tab and select the Using a schedule and As soon as possible options.
This process generates output, which I can get it in PDF or any of these formats.
Click the Output tab.
Click the Add Output Document icon.
Finally, I want to let my manager know if this process errors out. So I’ll set up a notification.
Click the Notification tab.
Click the Create Notification icon.
Enter values in both fields and click OK.
Now I’ll submit the process.
Click Submit.
Click OK.
I can refresh to see the latest status for my process. Now that it’s done successfully, I’ll select it.
Click the Refresh icon.
Select the row with Trial Balance Report with Succeeded status.
I’ll open the output here, and I can also download or print the PDF. And that’s it!
Scroll down to the Output section and click the link in the Output Name column.
Thanks for watching.