Error Messages

The section describes the different types of errors that you may encounter while working with the Oracle Knowledge Advanced REST APIs.

The following table describes the types of errors that are generated while using the REST APIs.

Error Type Description
VALIDATION Input validation types.
AUTHENTICATION Problems encountered while authenticating user.
AUTHORIZATION User authorization errors.
APPLICATION Global application errors.

The following table describes the detail fields of an exception.

Detail Field Description
title Summary title and root cause of the error.
errorPath The field or parameter value that caused the error.
errorCode Error code with the format OK-GEN####, where #### is a 4-digit number.
type Error type. The valid types are as follows:




detail More information about the error.
errorDetails List of violations that triggered the error.
The following is an example of an exception:

  "error": {
    "title": "An application error has occurred. Root Cause: Cannot perform operation because of invalid input.",
    "errorPath": null,
    "errorCode": "OK-GEN0003",
    "type": "APPLICATION",
    "detail": null
  "errorDetails": [
      "title": "Value [externalId] is not allowed to be null.",
      "errorPath": "externalId",
      "errorCode": "OK-GEN0005",
      "type": "VALIDATION",
      "detail": null

The following table describes the codes and the messages for the errors that you may encounter while working with the Oracle Knowledge Advanced REST APIs.

Error Code Message Description


A problem has occurred while loading application configuration.

The error occurs while loading the application configuration.

Action: Verify and correct the application configuration settings and try again.


Configuration Module not found with identifier [{module}].

The error occurs when the configuration module with the specified identifier is not found.

Action: Provide a valid configuration module with the required parameters and try again.


Configuration Property definition not found for Module [{module}] and property [{property}].

The error occurs when the configuration property definition is not found for the specified module and property.

Action: Provide a valid configuration property definition for the module, property and try again.


Found no values for predicates: [{predicates}] in Criteria Query. field path:[{fieldName}], original parameters:[{originalParameters}], parameter values:[{paramValues}]

The error occurs when no values are found for the field path, original parameters, and parameter values predicates in the criteria query.

Action: Specify values for the predicates in criteria query and try again.


Found invalid values for predicates: [{predicates}] in Criteria Query. field path:[{fieldName}], original parameters:[{originalParameters}], parameter values:[{paramValues}]

The error occurs when invalid values are found for the field path, original parameters, and parameter values predicates in the criteria query.

Action: Specify valid values for the predicates and try again.


Found predicates: [{predicates}] incompatible with the corresponding field type in Criteria Query. field path:[{fieldName}], original parameters:[{originalParameters}], parameter values:[{paramValues}] {errorMessage}

The error occurs when the predicate values of field path, original parameters, and parameter values in the criteria field do not match with the corresponding field values.

Action: Specify predicate values that match with the corresponding field types and try again.


Multiple conflicting predicates not allowed for the same field: name:[{fieldName}], current expression:[{currentExpressionName}], current operation:[{currentOperationName}], previous expression:[{previousExpressionName}]

The error occurs when there are multiple conflicting predicates for name, current expression, current operation, and previous expression fields.

Action: Specify valid predicates for the field and try again.


A database error has occurred. Error: {errorMessage}

A generic database error has occurred.


A database error has occurred while committing a transaction. Error: {errorMessage}

The error occurs while committing a transaction to the database.


Email Service threw an Exception, Cannot send email at this time

The error occurs when the email service fails to send an email because of an exception.

Action: Try resending the email after some time.


Email Service threw an Exception, Cannot send email at this time : [endPoint = {endPoint}]

The error occurs when the email service throws an exception and fails to send an email.


Email Service was called but it returned errors : [errors = {errors}]

The error occurs when the email service returns errors.


Make sure your URL is Valid

The error occurs when the specified URL is invalid.

Action: Verify and enter a valid URL.


Cannot serve File at this time : [fileName = {fileName}]

The error occurs when the specified file cannot be processed during runtime.

Action: Try processing the file after sometime.


If you are requesting for 'live' file make sure that you have actually published the associated content

The error occurs when you request a live file before publishing the associated content.

Action: Publish the associated content before you request a live file.


Mismatch found in files uploaded and in the Content xml, content xml files {fileNamesFromXML} , name of files uploaded {listOfFileNames}

The error occurs when the uploaded file names mismatch with the file names mentioned in the Content xml file.

Action: Make sure that uploaded file names match the file names in the Content xml file.


No File multipart found in Request. If you are trying to create content without File Attachments, please call the generic create REST URL

The error occurs when no file multipart is found in the request. A file multipart is not found in the request.

Action: To create content without file attachments call the generic create REST URL.


File Upload has failed : [fileName = {fileName}]

The error occurs when a file cannot be uploaded.

Action: Try uploading the file again.


File Delete has Failed : [fileName = {fileName}]

The error occurs when a file cannot be deleted.

Action: Try deleting the file again.


Cannot get file: [fileName = {fileName}]

The error occurs when the specified file cannot be accessed.

Action: Try accessing the file again.


Cannot Initialize FAS

The error occurs when the File Attachment Service (FAS) cannot be initialized.


SiteName passed over the URL must match with the siteName in the token

The error occurs when the site name in the request URL does not match with the site name in the token.

Action: Make sure that site name mentioned in the URL and token are the same.


The content xml file(s) {fileNames} can only be specified along with multipart formdata payload.

The error occurs when attachments specified in the Content XML files are not uploaded as a part of multipart form-data.

Action: Make sure that attachment files specified in the Content XML are uploaded only as multipart form-data payload.


The maximum number of files that can be uploaded is {maxFiles}. The current request is to upload {numFiles} files.

The error occurs when the number of files to uploaded exceeds the maximum allowed value.

Action: Make sure that the number of files to be uploaded is less than maximum allowed value.


The file must have length greater than 0.

The error occurs when the file-name length or file size, or both are not greater than or equal to 0.

Action: Make sure that the file-name length and file size are greater than or equal to 0.


File being uploaded exceeds maximum value. The file must be smaller than {maxSize} bytes.

The error occurs when the uploaded file exceeds the maximum allowed size.

Action: Make sure that the file size is less than the maximum allowed size.


Allowed file extension for /media resource is one of {fileExtensions}.

The error occurs when the file extensions for a media resource are not supported.

Action: Make sure that the specified file extensions for the media resource are supported.


{fileName} exceeded maximum file name length. File names must be smaller than {length} characters.

The error occurs when the length of the file name exceeds the maximum allowed value.

Action: Make sure that length of the file name is within the permissible range.


Filename : {fileName} cannot contain any of the following characters {invalidChars}

The error occurs when the specified file name contains invalid characters.

Action: Make sure that the file name does not contain any invalid characters.


File names doesn't match the configured format : {uploadFormat}.

The error occurs when the specified file format for Media resource does not match the configured format.

Action: Make sure that the file format for Media resource matches the configure format.


There is no binary multipart file that matches the filename : {fileName}.

The error occurs when the specified binary multipart file does not match with the existing files.

Action: Make sure that the binary multipart file matches with the existing files.


Internal error while creating Media item(s).

The error occurs when an internal error occurs while creating media items.

Action: None


A core application error has occurred.

A core application error has occurred.


Application Service not available. {service}

The error occurs when an application service that is mentioned in the request is not available.


An application error has occurred.

A general application error has occurred.


The following operation is not supported in this context: {operation}

The error occurs when the operation mentioned in the request is not supported during runtime.

Action: Try performing the operation after sometime.


An application error has occurred. Root Cause: {rootCause}

An application error has occurred.


Value [{currentValue}] is not valid for field

The error occurs when an invalid value is specified for a field in the request.

Action: Specify a valid value for the field.


Value [{referenceName}] is not allowed to be null.

The error occurs when a null value is specified for the field.

Action: Specify a non-null value for the field.


Value [{referenceName}] must be null.

The error occurs when you specify a non null value for a field which must be null.

Action: Specify a null value for the field.


Size of {property} must between {min} and {max}.

The error occurs when the size of property specified in the request is out of range.

Action: Specify a property size within the range.


Size of {property} must must be greater than or equal to {min}.

The error occurs when the size of property specified in the request is less than or equal to the minimum value of the range.

Action: Specify the size of the property within the range.


Size of {property} must be less than or equal to {max}.

The error occurs when the size of a property specified in the request is greater than or equal to the minimum size value.

Action: Specify the property size within the range.


Stale Update Failure: {field} of version [dateModified:{currentValue}] was already modified to later version [dateModified: {latestValue}].

The error occurs when you try to update a content which is already modified to the later version.


[{invalidValue}] Is not a valid request value in this context. Valid values are: [{validValues}]

The error occurs when you specify invalid parameter values with the request.

Action: Specify a valid value in the request.


Field {fieldName} does not allow modifications.

The error occurs when you try to edit a field that does not allow modifications.


Mode [{mode}] not found.

The error occurs when the specified mode is not found.

Action: Make sure that you provide a valid mode.


BO mode not allowed for service.

The error occurs when BO object mode is not allowed for the service.


Field contains invalid characters: {input}.

The error occurs when you specify invalid characters for a field value.

Action: Specify only valid characters for the field.


Cannot perform operation because of invalid input.

The intended operation cannot be performed because of an invalid input value.

Action: Specify a valid input value and then perform the operation again.


Field {fieldName} must be set to true

The error occurs when the field value is set to false. The field value must be true.

Action: Set the field value to true.


Field {fieldName} must be set to false

The error occurs when the field value is set to false. The field value must be false.

Action: Set the field value to false.


Field {fieldName} with value: {dateStr} must NOT be in the past.

The error occurs when the field with the specified date is set in the past.


URL parameter {paramName} not allowed for service.

The error occurs when the specified URL parameter is allowed for service.


Value {value1} of field {fieldName1} should be the same as value {value2} of field {fieldName2} if supplied.

The error occurs when the values of both fields are different. The values of both the fields must be same.

Action: Specify the same value for both the fields.


Start Date {startDate} is after End Date {endDate}.

The error occurs when the start date is before the end date. The start date should be after end date.

Action: Specify a start date that follows an end date.


Date Added {dateAdded} is after Date Modified {dateModified}.

The error occurs when the date added is after the date modified. The date added must be before the date modified.

Action: Make sure that date added is before date modified.


Invalid value for [{fieldValue}]

The error occurs when the value specified for the field is invalid.

Action: Specify a valid value for the field.


Field {fieldName} does not allow modifications: Current Value:{existingValue}, New Value: {newValue}

The error occurs when you try to edit the field value that does not allow modifications.


Functionality not available to this application.

This error occurs when an application attempts to use a service for which they do not have permission.


{version} is an invalid REST API version.

The error occurs when the version of the REST API is invalid.

Action: Verify the version of the REST API and try again.


Server is currently undergoing maintenance.

The error occurs when you try to access a server that is under maintenance.

Action: Wait for the maintenance process to complete and try again.


Server is currently busy.

The error occurs when you try to access a server that is busy.

Action: Try to access the server after sometime.


Make sure not to set fields {firstField} and {secondField} together

The error occurs when both the fields cannot be specified together in the same request. Either of the fields can be specified separately but not together in the request.

Action: Make sure that either of the fields are specified separately in the request.


At least {parameter} param needs to be passed in to operate

The error occurs when one or more parameters that are mandatory are not specified in the request.

Action: Specify one or more mandatory parameters in the request.


Field {dateField} with value: {dateValue} must NOT be in the future.

The error occurs when the specified date is set in the future.

Action: Specify a date which is not set in future and send the request again.


Last Modified Date {new lastModifiedDate} is before previous version's Last Modified Date {previous lastModifiedDate}.

The error occurs when the last modified date of the current version is before the last modified date of the earlier version.

Action: Specify the last modified date of the current version only after last modified date of the previous version.


Create Date {createDate} is after Last Modified Date {lastModifiedDate}.

The error occurs when the create date is after the last modified date.

Action: Specify the create date before the last modified date.


The service is suspended at this time due to limited availability mode.

The error occurs when the required service is suspended due to limited availability.

Action: Try sending the request after some time.


The locale code {localeCode} is not valid.

The error occurs when the specified locale code is invalid.

Action: Specify a valid locale code in the request.


Tenant not deployed [ {tenantId} ]

The error occurs when the specified tenant is not deployed.

Action: Try deploying the tenant again.


TenantID not found in Runtime Context

The error occurs when the specified tenant ID is not found during runtime.

Action: Verify the tenant ID and try again.


Problem connecting to JNDI in order to resolve tenant datasource

The error occurs when the server is unable to connect to JNDI while resolving the tenant data source.


Site Name could not be found for the supplied site id [ {siteId} ]

The error occurs when the site name cannot be found for the specified site ID.

Action: Verify the site name for the site ID and try again.


Site Information not found for siteName [ {siteName} ]

The error occurs when the site information cannot be found for the specified site name.

Action: Verify the site name and try again.


Repository ReferenceKey not found for siteName [ {siteName} ]. Check that the Repository ReferenceKey has been properly set in the DataBase.

The error occurs when the repository reference key cannot be found for the site name.

Action: Verify that repository reference key is properly set in the database and try again.


Site ID not found for siteName [ {siteName} ]. Check that the Site ID has been properly set in the DataBase.

The error occurs when the site ID is not found for the specified site name.

Action: Verify that site ID is properly set in the database and try again.


User not found in RightNow system

The error occurs when the specified user is not found in the RightNow system.

Action: Contact your administrator.


RNUserDataService has not been set up in OKCS Authenticator

The error occurs when the RightNow User Data Service is not set up in the Oracle Knowledge Advanced authenticator.

Action: Set up Oracle Knowledge Advanced authenticator in the RightNow User Data Service.


User Login not found in Runtime Context

The error occurs when the user login is not found in runtime context.

Action: Verify your credentials and contact your administrator if required.


User Type in request not valid

The error occurs when the user type in the request is invalid.

Action: Specify a valid user type in the request.


SecurityRole object not found in IM database

The error occurs when the security role object is not found in the IM database.

Action: Verify the security role object and try again.


RightNow userId and IM externalId and are not equal

The error occurs when the specified RightNow user ID and IM external ID are different.

Action: Make sure that RightNow user ID and IM external ID are the same.


RightNow userType and IM externalType are not equal

The error occurs when RightNow user type and IM external type are different.

Action: Make sure that RightNow user type and IM external type are the same.


Could not find profile data for the authenticated user

The error occurs when the profile data for the authenticated user cannot be found.

Action: Verify the profile data of the authenticated user and try again.


Could not find IM Repository default administrator role

The error occurs when the IM repository default administrator role cannot be found in the repository.

Action: Contact your administrator.


Attempt to create IM Role based on Profile failed because there is already a role with the same name in the IM System

The error occurs when you cannot create an IM role based on a profile because an IM role already exists in the IM system.

Action: Create an IM role with a different name.


Attempt to create IM Role based on Profile failed because the profile has no name

The error occurs when you create an IM role based on a profile that does not have a name.

Action: Create an IM role with a valid profile name.


Could not find RightNow user or profile data because of root cause: {rootCauseMessage}

The error occurs when the RightNow user or profile data cannot be found.


Attempt to create IM UserGroup based on Access Level failed

The error occurs when you cannot create an IM user group based on an access level.

Action: Contact your administrator.


The interface with id {interfaceId} must be mapped to a view.

The error occurs when the interface ID is not mapped to a view.

Action: Map the interface ID to a view and try again.


The interface with id {interfaceId} must be mapped to a locale.

The error occurs when the interface ID is not mapped to a locale.

Action: Map the interface ID to a view and try again.


Reset Runtime to active revision {runtimeRevision} failed.

The error occurs when reset runtime to active revision failed because the interface ID is not mapped to a view.

Action: Make sure that the interface ID is mapped to a view.


User not allowed to perform operation.

The error occurs when you do not have the privileges to perform the operation.

Action: Contact your administrator.


There is not user logged in the system.

The error occurs when no user is logged into the system.

Action: Contact your administrator.


No authenticated user in context.

The error occurs when an authenticated user does not exist in the context.

Action: Contact your administrator.


No authenticated integration user in context.

The error occurs when an authenticated integration user does not exist in the context.

Action: Contact your administrator.


Expected object not found

The error occurs when the expected object is not found.

Action: Verify the object name and try again.


Invalid File, file name(s) : {fileName}

The error occurs when the specified API user name is invalid.

Action: Specify a valid API user name.


SiteName in APISessionToken does not match input

The error occurs when the site name in the API session token does not match the specified site name in the request.

Action: Make sure that site name in API session token matches the input.


Active user does not have privilege to access relativePath : {relativePath}

The error occurs when you do not have permission to access the path.

Action: Contact your system administrator for access.


Unsupported authorization type specified : {authType}

The error occurs when an unsupported authorization type is specified in the request header.

Action: Specify a supported authorization type in the request header.


The identity provider configuration is invalid

The error occurs when Oracle Identity Cloud Service is not configured properly for authorization.

Action: Verify the Oracle Identity Cloud Service configuration and send the request again.


The provided OAuth token is invalid

The error occurs when the OAuth token from Oracle Identity Cloud Service is invalid.

Action: Verify the Oracle Identity Cloud Service configuration and try again.


API Session Token not set

The error occurs when the API session token is not set in the request.


No siteName specified in API Session Token

The error occurs when a site name is not specified in the API session token.

Action: Specify a valid site name in the API session token.


Session Token has expired

The error occurs when the API session token has expired.

Action: Start a new API session.


Error parsing the Session Token

The error occurs while parsing the session token.

Action: Verify the session token and try again.


User Token has not been set in API session token

The error occurs when a user token is not set in the API session token.

Action: Set a user token in the API session token and try again.


User Token is not valid. Check that all required fields are properly set.

The error occurs when the specified user token is invalid.

Action: Verify that all the required fields are properly set and try again.


User Type field not set in user token.

The error occurs when the user type field is not set in the user token.

Action: Set the user type field in the user token and try again.


Integration User Token has not been set in API session token

The error occurs when the integration user token is not set in the API session token.

Action: Set the integration user token in the API session token and try again.


Integration User Token is not valid. Check that all required fields are properly set.

The error occurs when the specified integration user token is invalid.

Action: Verify that all required fields are properly set and try again.


{interfaceId} is an invalid Interface id.

The error occurs when the specified interface ID is invalid.

Action: Specify a valid interface ID and try again.


SortOrder must be greater than zero and less than the max sort order allowed under a parent or root.

The error occurs when the specified sort order is out of the allowed range.

Action: Specify a sort order within the range.


SortOrder is a required field, callers must pass in value for sortOrder and it must be greater than zero

The error occurs when you leave the SortOrder field as blank.

Action: Specify a valid sort order.


SortOrder is a READONLY field and is immutable.Any sort order modification must come from the change sort order service

The error occurs when you modify the SortOrder field which is read-only.


Cannot assign object to a parent with a different ExternalType. Object's ExternalType is '{incomingExternalType}'. Intended parent's ExternalType is '{incomingParentExternalType}'.

The error occurs when you assign an object to a parent with a different external type.

Action: Assign an object of required external type to a parent.


Cannot move Category or Product under it's own sub-Category or sub-Product

The error occurs when you move a category or product under its own subcategory or subproduct.


Parent category named:{name} does NOT exist in the system for Category named: {parentName} to be bulk imported.

The error occurs when the specified parent category does not exist for the specified category in the system for bulk import.

Action: Specify a valid parent category name and try again.


Cannot perform the operation because the content: {contentId} is checked out.

The error occurs when the operation cannot be performed as the specified content is checked out.

Action: Check in the content and try again.


The content type has not specified a schema definition.

The error occurs when the content type does not have a schema definition.

Action: Specify a valid schema definition for the content type.


The content type has not specified a meta schema definition.

The error occurs when the specified content type does not have a meta schema definition.

Action: Specify a meta-schema definition for the content type.


The file type is invalid, and the file cannot be uploaded.

The error occurs when you upload a file that is of invalid file type.

Action: Upload a file of valid file type and try again.


The file type is invalid, and the file cannot remain attached.

The error occurs when you attach a file that is of invalid file type.

Action: Attach a valid file type and try again.


Maximum attachment size exceeded. File attachments must be smaller than {maxFileSizeInBytes} bytes.

The error occurs when the size of the specified attachment exceeds the maximum limit.

Action: Make sure that the size of the attachment is less than the maximum allowed size and try again.


Attribute contains invalid HTML: {jTidyErrors}.

The error occurs when you specify an invalid HTML tag in the attribute.

Action: Specify a valid HTML tag for the attribute.


Since the ContentType {eventEndDate} is not Event based, Event Start Date {contentTypeName} or Event End Date {eventStartDate} cannot be specified.

The error occurs when you specify an event start date or event end date for the specified content type. As content type is event based, you cannot specify event start date or event end date.


ContentType {contentTypeName} requires that for each category required by ContentType the corresponding category or one of its descendant is selected. Required Categories not selected:{categoryRecordIds}

The error occurs when you do not select a related category or one of descendants of the specified content type.

Action: Select a related category or a descendant of the specified content type.


ContentType {contentTypeName} requires that at least one category that is not required by ContentType is selected.

The error occurs when you do not select a category other than the specified content type.

Action: Select at least a category other than the content type.


ContentType {contentTypeName} does not allow these categories:{categoryRecordIds} to be assigned to Content.

The error occurs when you try to assign the specified categories to content, for the specified content type.


ContentType {contentTypeName} DOES NOT allow any Category {categoryRecordIds} to be assigned to documents.

The error occurs when you try to assign a category to documents for the specified content type.


ContentType {contentTypeName} requires that at least one UserGroup is selected.

The error occurs when do not select at least one user group for the specified content type.

Action: Select at least one user group for a content type.


ContentType {contentTypeName} restricts UserGroup assigned to any Content in it to only one UserGroup.

The error occurs when you assign more than one user group to content for the specified content type.

Action: Assign only one user group to content in the content type.


Invalid UserGroup: {userGroupRecordId}

The error occurs when you specify an invalid user group in the request.

Action: Specify a valid user group in the request.


ContentType {contentTypeName} does not allow these UserGroups:{userGroupRecordIds} to be assigned to Content.

The error occurs when you assign the specified user group to content for the specified content type. Content type does not allow the specified user groups to be assigned to content.


ContentType {contentTypeName} DOES NOT allow any UserGroups {userGroupRecordIds} to be assigned to documents.

The error occurs when you assign user groups to documents for a content type. Content type does not allow user groups to be assigned to documents.


Requires at least one view to be selected.

The error occurs when you do not select at least one view. At least one view has to be selected.

Action: Select at least one view.


MetaDataXml must be null since MetaData is not defined in ContentType {contentTypeName}.

The error occurs when the MetaDataXml is not defined and not null for the specified Content Type.

Action: Ensure that MetaDataXml is null for the specified Content Type.


AnswerID: {answerID} provided is already associated to document with documentID: {documentID}, contentID:{contentID} in localeID: {localeID}.

The error occurs when you try to associate the specified answer ID to an already associated document with a document ID and locale ID.


User does NOT have authoring privileges in this localeID: {localeID}.

The error occurs when you do not have authoring privileges in the specified locale ID.

Action: Contact your administrator for authoring privileges in the locale ID.


Document is in Workflow Step: {workflowStepName} which does not allow editing.

The error occurs when you try to edit a document during a workflow. A document which is in workflow step cannot be edited.

Action: Edit the document after completing the workflow.


User does NOT have privileges to edit the document in its current Workflow Step: {workflowStepName}

The error occurs when you do not have privileges to edit a document during a workflow.

Action: Contact your administrator for edit access.


ContentType {contentTypeName} has defined Workflow for its documents and hence user is NOT allowed to publish directly bypassing Workflow.

The error occurs when you cannot publish a document directly by bypassing the defined workflow of the document.

Action: Publish the content type document through a workflow.


No translation exists for content {contentIdentifier} for the requested locale {requestLocale}.

The error occurs when a translation does not exist for the specified content for the specified locale.

Action: Verify that a translation exists for the content and requested locale.


No translation exists for content {contentIdentifier} for the user's default locale {defaultLocale}.

The error occurs when a translation does not exist for the specified content for your default locale.

Action: Verify the translations for content and default locale of the user.


Input version {inputversion} DOES NOT match the version {existingversion} of Content for versionID.

The error occurs when the input version does not match the existing version of content for the version ID.

Action: Specify a version that matches the existing content version for the version ID.


Input locale {inputlocale} field DOES NOT match the locale {existinglocale} of Content for versionID.

The error occurs when the specified input locale does not match the existing locale of content for a version ID.

Action: Specify a locale that matches the locale of content for the version ID.


Meta Data common to all versions in locales of the document can be updated only by updating in Master Locale: {masterLocale} for document: {documentID} with ID:{recordID} in selected locale: {localeID}

The error occurs when you update the metadata that is common to all locale versions of a document without updating the master locale.

Action: Update metadata in the master locale for the specified document and locale.


No latest version is found selected document: {documentID} with ID:{recordID} in selected locale: {localeID}.

The error occurs when the latest version of the specified document is not found in the specified locale.

Action: Verify the version of the document and try again.


Invalid User Group(s) [{invalidUserGroups}] found in conditional section

The error occurs when the user groups found in the conditional section are invalid.

Action: Specify valid user groups in the conditional section.


User does not have sufficient access to view Document

The error occurs when you do not have access to view the document.

Action: Contact your administrator.


Service does not allow the supplied contentState [{invalidContentStateForService}]

The error occurs when the specified contentState for the service is invalid.

Action: Supply a valid contentState for the service.


User does not have sufficient access to translate the Document

The error occurs when you do not have access to translate the document.

Action: Contact your administrator.


User does not have sufficient access to publish the Document

The error occurs when you do not have permission to publish the document.

Action: Contact your administrator.


The Document is already translated to the locale: {localeID} and user should find and update the existing translation: version: {version}

The error occurs when the document is already translated to the specified locale and the existing translation version is not updated.

Action: Find and update the existing translation version.


Surrogate user must be a web user

The error occurs when you log in as a surrogate user and do not have web user access. A surrogate user must be a web user.

Action: Make sure that you have the web user access when you log in as a surrogate user.


Cannot unpublish a ContentText which is neither published nor pending

The error occurs when you unpublish a content text which is neither in a published nor in a pending state.


No Content was Unpublished. Make sure this content {contentId} has versions that is in Pending or Published State

The error occurs when you unpublish content that has versions which are neither pending nor published.

Action: Make sure that the content has versions that are in either pending or published state.


Content Went to Pending State, version id {versionID}

The error occurs when a content is in pending state for the specified version ID.


Content Publishing Failed version id {versionID}

The error occurs when content publishing fails for the specified version ID.


Content UnPublishing Failed, version id {versionID}

The error occurs when content un-publishing fails for the specified version ID.


Cannot publish a ContentText which is already published

The error occurs when you try to publish a ContextText that is already published.


There are no categories supplied to add or remove from the document when updating categories. versionID: {versionID}

The error occurs when categories that are required to be added or deleted from the document while updating categories were not specified.

Action: Specify categories that are required to be added or removed from the document.


One or more categories supplied to add is/are present in the list of categories to remove from the document when updating categories. versionID: {versionID}, categoryIDs:{categoryIDs}

The error occurs when one or more categories to be added are also present in the categories lists that are to be removed.

Action: Make sure that categories to be added are not present in the categories to be removed list.


There are no views supplied to add or remove from the document when updating views. versionID: {versionID}

The error occurs when views that should be added or removed from the document were not specified while updating.

Action: Make sure that you specify views that you want to add or remove from the document.


One or more views supplied to add is/are present in the list of views to remove from the document when updating views. versionID: {versionID}, viewIDs:{viewIDs}

The error occurs when one or more views that are to be added are also present in the list of views to be removed from the document.

Action: Make sure that views that you want to add are not present in the list of views to be removed.


Publishing Failed due to Invalid File Attachment version id {versionID}

The error occurs when the publishing process fails because of an invalid file attachment.


No HTML content allowed in Reason For Edit

The error occurs when the Reason For Edit field text contains content in HTML format which is not supported.

Action: Make sure that Reason for Edit field does not contain text in HTML format.


Content version {versionId} Owner Update Failed due to Invalid User {userId}

The error occurs when the specified user ID is invalid.

Action: Make sure to specify a valid user ID as the owner.


Content version {versionId} Owner Update Failed due to User {userId} is already owner of this content version.

The error occurs when you try to assign an user to a content who is already an owner of that content version.

Action: Assign an user who is not an owner of the same content version.


The locale {field} is not available for this site.

The error occurs when the specified locale is not available for the site.

Action: Make sure to specify a locale which is available for the site.


The locale code {localeCode} is not valid.

The error occurs when the specified locale ID is invalid.

Action: Make sure to specify a valid locale ID.


Cannot perform the operation because the content version: {versionId} is not checked out.

The error occurs when a version of the content is not checked out for performing an operation.

Action: Make sure that the version of the content is checked out before the operation.


Maximum attachment description size exceeded. Attachment description size must be smaller than {maxFileDescriptionSize} characters.

The error occurs when the description of the attachment exceeds the maximum size.

Action: Make sure that description of the file attachment is within the range.


One or more attached files has same name.

The error occurs when one or more attached files have the same name.

Action: Make sure that file names of the attachments are unique.


AnswerId value may not be greater than or equal to 1,000,000.

The error occurs when the answer ID value exceeds 1,000,000.

Action: Make sure that the answer ID value is less than or equal to 1,000,000.


ContentType does not allow Content recommendations

The error occurs when a content recommendation is specified for a content type in the request. A content type does not allow content recommendations.


One of ContentType or Content must be specified

The error occurs when a content type or content is not specified in the request.

Action: Specify a content type or content in the request.


One or more Categories are not valid for ContentType selected

The error occurs when the selected ContentType has one or more categories that are invalid.

Action: Specify valid categories for the selected content type.


One or more Views are not valid for active user

The error occurs when one or more views specified in the request are not valid for the active user.

Action: Make sure that valid views are specified for the active user.


ContentRecommendation with status {status} can not be modified

The error occurs when a ContentRecommendation with the specified status cannot be modified.


The guest user is not allowed to create or update content recommendations.

The error occurs when you log in as a guest user and try to create or update content recommendations. A guest user is not allowed to modify content recommendations.


The console user record is invalid. The console user has no view.

The error occurs when the console user record is invalid and does not have a view.


The web user record is invalid. The web user has no view.

The error occurs when the web user record is invalid and does not have a view.


Can't assign a view that is not the web user's view.

The error occurs when a view that does not belong to the web user cannot be assigned.

Action: Make sure that you assign a web user's view.


A web user is not allowed to update content recommendations.

The error occurs when you log in as a web user and try to update content recommendations. A web user is not allowed to update content recommendations.


User views are not valid for updating the content recommendation.

The error occurs when the user's views are not valid to update the content recommendation.

Action: Make sure that you have the valid views to update the content recommendation.


User does not have the necessary views to update the content recommendation.

The error occurs when you do not have the required views to update the content recommendation.

Action: Make sure that you have the required views to update the content recommendation.


User is not the creator of the content recommendation.

The error occurs when you are not the creator of the content recommendation.

Action: Specify a content recommendation of which you are the creator.


Multiple conflicting predicates not allowed for the same field: name:[{fieldName}], current expression:[{currentExpression}], current operation:[{currentOperation}], previous expression:[{previousExpression}]

The error occurs when multiple conflicting predicates are specified in the same field for a criteria.

Action: Specify predicates which are not conflicting for the same field.


Cannot sort by invalid param at position :[{fieldPosition}] with invalid name:[{fieldName}]

The error occurs when you try to sort by an unknown parameter with an invalid name in the main criteria.

Action: Specify only valid parameters for sorting in the main criteria.


Cannot sort by unknown param at position :[{fieldPosition}] with name:[{fieldName}]

The error occurs when you try to sort by an unknown parameter name in the main criteria.

Action: Specify only valid parameters for sorting in the main criteria.


Criteria Query does NOT allow conditions against more than [{allowedLevels}] of relationships. field path:[{fieldName}], original parameter:[{originalParameter}]

The error occurs when you specify conditions that are more than the allowed level of relationships for a criteria query.


Found invalid keypath at [{keyPathIndex}] in Criteria Query. field path:[{fieldName}], original parameter:[{originalParameter}]

The error occurs when an invalid keypath was found in the Criteria Query.

Action: Specify a valid keypath in the Criteria Query.


Found unknown predicate [{predicate}] in Criteria Query. field path:[{fieldName}], original parameter:[{originalParameter}] {errorMessage}

The error occurs when an invalid predicate was found in the Criteria Query.

Action: Specify a valid predicate in the Criteria Query.


Found different predicates [{predicates}] for the same field criteria Query. field path:[{fieldName}], original parameters:[{originalParameters}]

The error occurs when different predicates were found for the same field in the Criteria Query.


Found multiple range predicates [{predicates}] in Criteria Query. field path:[{fieldName}], original parameters:[{originalParameters}]

The error occurs when multiple range predicates are found in the Criteria Query.


Found invalid pair of comparator predicates [{predicates}] in Criteria Query. field path:[{fieldName}], original parameters:[{originalParameters}]

The error occurs when an invalid pair of comparator predicates is found in the Criteria Query.

Action: Specify valid comparator predicates in the criteria query.


Found more than two comparator predicates [{predicates}] in Criteria Query. field path:[{fieldName}], original parameters:[{originalParameters}]

The error occurs when more than two comparator predicates are found in the Criteria Query.


Found no values for predicates: [{predicates}] in Criteria Query. field path:[{fieldName}], original parameters:[{originalParameters}], parameter values:[{paramValues}]

The error occurs when no values are found for the specified predicates in the criteria query.

Action: Specify valid values for the specified predicates in the criteria query.


Found multiple param values for predicates: [{predicates}] in Criteria Query. field path:[{fieldName}], original parameters:[{originalParameters}], parameter values:[{paramValues}]

The error occurs when multiple parameter values for the specified predicates are found in the criteria query.


Found invalid values for predicates: [{predicates}] in Criteria Query. field path:[{fieldName}], original parameters:[{originalParameters}], parameter values:[{paramValues}]

The error occurs when the values for the specified predicates in the criteria query are invalid.

Action: Specify valid values for the predicates in the criteria query.


Found predicates: [{predicates}] incompatible with the corresponding field type in Criteria Query. field path:[{fieldName}], original parameters:[{originalParameters}], parameter values:[{paramValues}] {errorMessage}

The error occurs when the predicates found for the field are incompatible with the corresponding field type in criteria query.

Action: Specify valid predicates for the field type.


Found no valid predicates for the field in Criteria Query. field path:[{fieldName}]

The error occurs when required predicates for the given Criteria Query are missing.


Found matchAll predicate for more than one field of a criteria against relationship of main criteria. related field path:[{fieldName}], its field paths with matchAll:[{matchAllFieldNames}]

The error occurs when a matchAll predicate was found for multiple field criteria.


Multiple conflicting predicates not allowed for the same field: name:[{fieldName}], current expression:[{currentExpressionName}], current operation:[{currentOperationName}], previous expression:[{previousExpressionName}]

The error occurs when multiple conflicting predicates are specified for the same field.

Action: Specify non conflicting predicates for the field.


Cannot sort by invalid param at position :[{fieldPosition}] with invalid name:[{fieldName}]

The error occurs when you sort using an invalid field, at the specified position.

Specify a valid field for sorting for the specified position.


Cannot sort by unknown param at position :[{fieldPosition}] with name:[{fieldName}]

The error occurs when you sort using an unknown field at the specified position and name.

Action: Specify a valid field for sorting and try again.


Cannot sort by duplicate param at position :[{fieldPosition}] with name:[{fieldName}], current sort:[{currentSort}], prev sort:[{prevSort}]

The error occurs when you sort a duplicate parameter at the specified position with the specified name.


Both SimpleExpressions and Typed JAXB Expressions cannot be mixed: Criteria Name: [{criteriaName}] FieldName:[{fieldName}]

The error occurs when you mix SimpleExpressions with Typed JAXB for the specified criteria and specified field.

Action: Specify SimpleExpressions and Typed JAXB expressions separately.


SimpleExpression is null at Criteria Name: [{criteriaName}] position:[{expressionPosition}]

The error occurs when a SimpleExpression is null at the specified Criteria Name and position.

Action: Specify a valid SimpleExpression.


SimpleExpression fieldName is null or invalid at Criteria Name: [{criteriaName}] position:[{expressionPosition}]

The error occurs when the SimpleExpression fieldname is either null or invalid for the specified Criteria Name and position.

Action: Specify a valid SimpleExpression.


Cannot query by unknown field name in SimpleExpression at Criteria Name: [{criteriaName}] position :[{expressionPosition}] FieldName:[{fieldName}]

The error occurs when an unknown field name is queried in the SimpleExpression at the specified position.

Action: Specify a valid field name.


Multiple SimpleExpression per field is NOT allowed at Criteria Name: [{criteriaName}] position:[{expressionPosition}] FieldName:[{fieldName}]

The error occurs when multiple SimpleExpressions are specified for a field for the specified criteria name, position and field name.

Action: Specify a single SimpleExpression per field.


Criteria field [{criteriaFieldName}] is invalid and cannot be used

The error occurs when you specify an invalid criteria field name.

Action: Specify a valid criteria field name.


Found conflicting criteria. You cannot use these criteria [{conflictingCriteriaList}] together

The error occurs when the specified criteria is conflicting with another criteria. You cannot use conflicting criteria together.

Action: Specify non conflicting criteria.


Limit Criteria field {criteriaFieldName} to {criteriaFieldLength}

The error occurs when the length of the criteria field name is out of range.

Action: Specify the field criteria name within the specified length.


Supplied query {orgQuery} cannot be parsed

The error occurs when the specified query cannot be parsed.

Action: Specify a valid query for parsing.


In the query: {orgQuery}, for the field: {keyPath}, mixing values of different types {types} in parenthesized list of values {values} is not allowed.

The error occurs when you specify different types of mixed values as list of values for the specified field, in the query. Values of different types cannot be mixed and specified as list of values.


In the query: {orgQuery}, for the field: {keyPath}, mixing values of different types is not allowed. Lower: {lower}, Upper: {upper}

The error occurs when you specify a value with mixed case characters for the specified field, in the specified query.


In the query: {orgQuery}, for the field: {keyPath}, null keyword is NOT allowed in this context: {expression}

The error occurs when you specify a null keyword in the specified expression for the specified field, in the specified query.


In the query: {orgQuery}, for the field: {keyPath}, keyPath cannot be handled in the expression: {expression}

The error occurs when an unsupported keyPath is provided for the specified field, in the specified expression, in the specified query.

Action: Specify a valid keypath in the query.


In the query: {orgQuery}, for the field: {keyPath}, operator: {operator} cannot be used in the expression: {expression}

The error occurs when an unsupported operator is provided for the specified field in the specified expression, in the specified query.


In the query: {orgQuery}, contentState is NOT allowed, field: {keyPath}

The error occurs when a contentState is provided for the specified field in the specified query. The specified query does not support contentState.

Action: Remove the contentState from the query and try again.


In the query: {orgQuery}, found multiple filterMode fields! Previous: {keyPath1}, Current: {expression1}

The error occurs when multiple filter model fields are found in the query.


Multiple queries not allowed in the URL. All the queries: {allQueries}

The error occurs when multiple queries are specified in the URL. Multiple queries are not allowed in an URL.

Action: Specify only one query in the URL.


In the query: {orgQuery}, cannot _OR_ the one side [{leftExpression}] expression with the other side [{rightExpression}] expression

The error occurs when you AND the specified expressions which are already ORed in the specified query.


In the query: {orgQuery}, cannot _AND_ the one side [{leftExpression}] expression with the other side [{rightExpression}] expression when [{oredRelation}] was ORed already

The error occurs while a logical expression is ANDed with another logical expression when they are already ORed.


No discussion board assigned to forum.

The error occurs when a discussion board is not assigned to the forum.

Action: Assign a discussion board to the forum.


The forum end date property is not allowed to be before the start date.

The error occurs when the forum end date is before the start date.

Action: Specify a forum end date that is after the start date.


Mismatch Found in Content xml, File Name(s) was not found in the Uploaded List nor in the Latest Content Attachment. Possible cause, may be file is already deleted in the latest version. Or you have missed to attach file

The error occurs when a file name mismatch has occurred in Contentxml file. The cause of the error is either of the following:
  • The file is already deleted in the latest version.
  • The file attachment is missing.
Action: Do one of the following actions:
  • Verify the file in the latest version.
  • Ensure that the file is provided as an attachment.


Expected object not found for ID: {objectId}

The error occurs when the expected object was not found for the specified ID.

Action: Verify the object ID and try again.


Expected object not found. Cause: {rootCause}

The error occurs when the expected object cannot be located.

Action: Verify the cause in the message text.


Duplicate Object found for reference key: {referenceKey}

The error occurs when a duplicate object exists with the specified reference key.


Duplicate Object found with name: {name}

The error occurs when a duplicate object with the specified name already exists.

Action: Specify a different object name.


Object referenceKey property is not allowed to be changed. Original reference key: {originalReferenceKey}, New reference key value: {referenceKey}

The error occurs when you change the object reference key property. The object reference key property cannot be changed.


[{invalidValue}] Is not a valid request value in this context. Valid values are: [{validValues}]

The error occurs when the specified request value is invalid.

Action: Specify a valid request value.


Objects of type {entity} not found for IDs: {objectIds}

The error occurs when the objects of the specified type do not exist for the specified object IDs.

Action: Specify a valid object type.


Value {value} cannot be zero or negative.

The error occurs when the specified value cannot be zero or negative.

Action: Specify a positive, non- zero value.


{time} is not a valid time.

The error occurs when the specified time is invalid.

Action: Specify a valid time.


{date} is not a valid date.

The error occurs when the specified date is invalid.

Action: Specify a valid date.


{datetime} is not a valid date and time.

The error occurs when the specified date and time values are invalid.

Action: Specify valid date and time values.


Object with {fieldName}={fieldValue} already exists.

The error occurs when an object with the specified name and value already exists.

Action: Specify a different object with a different value.


An ExternalType must be specified when specifying an ExternalID.

The error occurs when an external type is not specified while specifying an external ID.

Action: Specify an external type for the external ID.


An ExternalID must be specified when specifying an ExternalType and must be a numeric value.

The error occurs when an external ID is not specified while specifying an external type.

Action: Specify a valid numeric value as an external ID.


Specified ExternalType, {incomingExternalType}, is invalid. Valid ExternalTypes are the following: {validExternalTypeListStr}.

The error occurs when the specified external type is invalid.

Action: Specify a valid external type.


Duplicate object found for external type {externalType} and external ID {externalID}.

The error occurs when a duplicate object is found for the specified external type and external ID.


User: {userName} can't be assigned role: {roleName}

The error occurs when the specified user cannot be assigned a console user role or web user role.

Action: Contact administrator for more information.


Cannot link incident {incidentID} to document {documentID} because the link already exists.

The error occurs when a link to the specified incident and the specified document already exists. You cannot create a new link.


No availableLocales set in repository object

The error occurs when available locales are not set in repository object.

Action: Make sure that available locales are set in the repository object.


Another repository already exists! Cannot create repository.

The error occurs when you create a repository with an existing repository name.

Action: Specify a different name for the repository.


It is not allowed to change the roleType property of an existing security role.

The error occurs when you create or modify a restricted role in a non restricted context. The restricted roles can only be created in a restricted context.


Restricted roles can't be created or modified in a non restricted context.

The error occurs when you create or modify a restricted role in a non restricted context. The restricted roles can only be created in a restricted context.


Default administrator roles can only by created by the system.

The error occurs when you generate a default administrator role manually. The default administrator roles are only computer generated.


This type of role can't be removed from the repository.

The error occurs when you remove a role from the repository.


The external type cannot be changed for an existing security role.

The error occurs when the external type is changed for an existing security role. The external type cannot be changed for an existing security role.


The external ID cannot be changed for an existing security role.

The error occurs when the external ID is changed for an existing security role.


The external type {incomingExternalType} is invalid for role type {roleType}. The allowed value(s) are: {allowedTypes}

The error occurs when the specified external type is invalid for the specified role type.

Action: Specify a valid external type.


No such attribute exists.

The error occurs when the specified attribute does not exist.

Action: Verify the name of the attribute and try again.


This attribute is a required field.

The error occurs when a value is not specified for the mandatory attribute.


This attribute should only have one occurrence.

The error occurs when there are multiple occurrences of the attribute.


This attribute requires at least one user group to be selected.

The error occurs when a user group is not selected for the attribute.

Action: Select at least one user group for the attribute.


This attribute contains invalid user group selections.

The error occurs when an invalid user group is selected for the attribute.

Action: Select valid user groups for the attribute.


This attribute does not allow editors to modify the default user group selections.

The error occurs when an editor modifies the default user group selections. An editor cannot modify the pre-selected user groups.


This attribute is not restricted by user group selections.

The error occurs when the selected attribute is not restricted by user group selections.


This attribute contains an invalid data list item selection.

The error occurs when an invalid data list item is selected for the attribute.

Action: Select a valid data list item for the attribute.


This attribute allows at most one data list item selection.

The error occurs when you select more than one data list items.

Action: Select only one data list item for the attribute.


This attribute contains an invalid value. Valid values for check box attributes are "Y" and "N".

The error occurs when an invalid value is specified for the field. The valid values for the check box are Y and N.

Action: Specify either Y or N as the attribute value.


This attribute's length must be less than or equal to {maxLength}.

The error occurs when the length of the specified attribute exceeds the maximum allowed length. The length of the attribute must be greater than the minimum value and less than the maximum value.

Action: Specify the attribute length within the range.


This attribute is a counter and counter values are generated and maintained by the system. They cannot be set manually or overridden.

The error occurs when you try to manually set or override a system generated counter value. You cannot set or override a counter value.


{inputNumber} is not a valid {numberClass}.

The error occurs when the specified input value is invalid.

Action: Specify a valid input value.


This attribute is a secured file resource.

The error occurs when the specified attribute is a secured file resource.


This attribute is not a secured file resource.

The error occurs when the specified attribute is not a secured file resource.

Action: Specify a secured file resource as an attribute.


The file size specified for this attribute is not valid.

The error occurs when the specified file size for the attribute is not valid.

Action: Specify a valid file size for the attribute.


The field contains invalid characters.

The error occurs when the field contains invalid characters.

Action: Specify only valid characters for the field.


The file description is not specified for this attribute

The error occurs when a file description is not specified for an attribute.

Action: Specify the file description for the required attribute.


Following character(s) not allowed in this attribute: {supplementaryChars}

The error occurs when supplementary characters (4 byte) which are not supported are specified in the attribute value.

Action: Make sure that supplementary characters (4 byte) are not specified in the attribute.


Repository is invalid or does not match the context's repository.

The error occurs when the specified repository is invalid or does not match the context repository.

Action: Specify a valid repository and try again.


Attempt to access or change an object that is not part of the repository in the request context.

The error occurs when an attempt to access or change an object that is not part of the repository, in the request context fails.

Action: Make sure that the object is part of the repository and try again.


This functionality is not available for Contact users.

The error occurs when the specified functionality is not available for Contact users.

Action: Contact administrator for more information.


Duplicate Object found for reference key: {referenceKey} in domain: {domainReferenceKey}

The error occurs when a duplicate object is found for the specified reference key, in the specified domain.

Action: Verify the object and try again.


Cannot perform the operation because the survey: {surveyId} is invalid.

The error occurs when you cannot perform the operation because the specified survey ID is invalid.

Action: Specify a valid survey and try again.


No rating defined for content channel: {channelId}

The error occurs when a rating was not defined for the specified content type.


Owner of content cannot rate the content

The error occurs when you as the owner of the content rate your own content. An owner of content cannot rate the owned content.


Survey Answer {surveyAnswerId} not applicable.

The error occurs when the specified survey answer is not applicable.


Content:{contentId} has no latest valid version, for locale:{localeId}.

The error occurs when the specified content does not have latest valid version for the specified locale.

Action: Make sure that content has a valid version for a locale.


Email address is not valid: {email}

The error occurs when the specified email address is invalid.

Action: Specify a valid email address.


The email address {email} is already in use

The error occurs when the specified email address is already in use.

Action: Specify a different email address.


The login ID {loginID} is already in use

The error occurs when the specified login ID already exists.

Action: Specify a different login ID.


Password must be between {minlength} and {maxLength} characters long

The error occurs when the length of the specified password is out of allowed range. The length of a password must be within the range.

Action: Make sure that length of the password is greater than or equal to the minimum length and less than or equal to the maximum length.


A user with externalID {externalIDStr} and externalType {externalTypeStr} already exists.

The error occurs when a user with the specified external ID and external type already exists.

Action: Specify a different external ID and external type.


Can set {fieldName} only when user has valid email address

The error occurs when your email address is invalid and you set the specified field. You can set the field name only when your email address is valid.

Action: Verify your email address and try again.


Password must contain at least one lower case character

The error occurs when the specified password does not contain at least one lower case letter. A password must contain at least one lowercase letter.

Action: Specify at least one lowercase letter in the password.


Password must contain at least one upper case character

The error occurs when the specified password does not contain at least one upper case letter. A password must contain at least one uppercase letter.

Action: Specify at least one upper case letter in the password.


Password must contain at least one decimal digit (0-9) character

The error occurs when the specified password does not contain at least one decimal digit. A password must contain at least one decimal digit from 0 through 9.

Action: Specify at least one decimal digit from 0 through 9 in the password.


Password must contain at least one of the following special characters: {specialCharacters}

The error occurs when the specified password does not contain at least one of the specified special characters. A password must contain at least one of the specified special characters.

Action: Specify at least one of the specified special characters in the password.


Password must be different from previous

The error occurs when you specify a new password that is same as the previous password. You cannot specify a password that is same as the previous passwords.

Action: Specify a password that is different from the previous passwords.


There is no subscription with ID {subscriptionID} owned by user with ID {userID}.

The error occurs when a subscription with the specified subscription ID and user ID does not exist.

Action: Verify the subscription ID, user ID and try again.


Unable to create subscription: more than one different owner specified.

The error occurs when you cannot create a subscription because more than one user is specified.

Action: Specify only one user while creating a subscription.


Unable to create subscription: no content or contentType specified.

The error occurs when you cannot create a subscription because a content or content type is not specified.

Action: Specify a content or content type before creating a subscription.


Unable to create subscription: both content and contentType specified.

The error occurs when a subscription cannot be created because both content and contentType are specified.


Unable to create subscription: both content and categories specified.

The error occurs when a subscription cannot be created because both content and categories are specified.


Unable to create subscription: duplicate for content and locale or contentType.

The error occurs when you cannot create a subscription because a subscription already exists for a content, locale or content type.


Unable to create subscription: one or more categories not assigned to contentType.

The error occurs when you cannot create a subscription because one or more categories are not assigned to content type.

Action: Assign a category to a content type before creating a subscription.


The Guest User cannot be changed

The error occurs when you try to change a guest user. You cannot change a guest user.


Found more than one integration user with the same integration type

The error occurs when more than one integration users have the same integration type.

Action: Make sure that an integration user has a unique integration type.


The user has no content view privileges for any channel.

The error occurs when the specified user does not have content view privileges for any channel.

Action: Contact administrator for privileges.


The user {user} does not have email.

The error occurs when the specified user does not have an email address.

Action: Make sure that the specified user has an email address.


An integration user is required for each of the following types: {types}

The error occurs when an integration user is not specified for the required types.

Action: Specify an integration user for the required types.


The key of the userKeyValue must be unique for one user.

The error occurs when the userKeyValue is not unique for a user. The user key value must be unique to a user.

Action: Make sure that user key values are unique to a user.


The entity user should be matched with the user populated in the url.

The error occurs when the specified entity user does not match the user in the URL.

Action: Make sure that entity user and user in the URL are the same.