Get document links by answer ID



This method returns all the document links (manual and learned) associated with the document that have the specified answer ID. The documents are returned as a list of ContentKey objects. The service returns an empty list if no document links are available.

A Content object can be linked to another Content object by a user using the IM Console. Document links are those linking objects that connect two contents. There are two types of links, manual and learned. Following are the descriptions for those links:

  • In manual links, the author determines the criteria for linking the contents. For example, author may link two contents that have same subject or similar problems.
  • When the query parameter manualOnly is passed as true, this API returns all the manual links of the document related to the specified answer ID. The document links are returned as a list of ContentKey object. When no manual links are available, the service returns an empty list.
  • In learned links the software that determines the relation for links. For example, the software may link two content when a set of users click two content consecutively.

NOTE: This method does not support the contentState parameter with the HTTP request.

Request Translated Content

You cannot request translated content using version ID or answer ID.

Answer ID represents a specific translation of the content. For example, a document FA54 has answer ID 101 for English and answer ID 102 for Spanish.

Request Translated Content

You cannot request translated content using answer ID.

Answer ID represents a specific translation of the content. For example, a document FA54 has answer ID 101 for English and answer ID 102 for Spanish.

The service ignores both the langpref parameter value and Accept-Language request header value if you specify it with the request.

Response Errors

The possible error responses for this method are as follows:

  • OK-GEN0020

    The error occurs when contentState request parameter is specified with the HTTP request.

  • OKDOM-GEN0001

    The error occurs in any of the following cases:

    • No content is found by the specified Answer ID.
    • The user is using Oracle B2C Service, and the kmauthtoken header contains an interface ID for which no interface is found.

    The error occurs when the user is using Oracle B2C Service, and the kmauthtoken header contains an interface ID for which no view is mapped.

Example URI

The example URI for this method is as follows:

  • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content/answers/{answerId}/documentLinks

    The request returns all the document links (manual and learned) associated with the document that have the specified answer ID. The documents are returned as a list of ContentKey objects. As the contentState parameter is not allowed, by default the service returns the published version of linked objects.

    The service ignores both the langpref parameter value and Accept-Language request header value if you specify it with the request. The service retrieves the linked documents that have the same locale as the document specified with answer ID. If a linked document does not exist in the same locale as the document whose answerId is specified in the request, then the service returns document in the master locale.

  • http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/content/answers/{answerId}/documentLinks?manualOnly=true

    The request returns all the manual links associated with the document that have the specified answer ID. The documents are returned as a list of ContentKey objects. As the contentState parameter is not allowed, by default the service returns the published version of linked objects.

    The service ignores both the langpref parameter value and Accept-Language request header value if you specify it with the request. The service retrieves the linked documents that have the same locale as the document specified with answer ID. If a linked document does not exist in the same locale as the document whose answerId is specified in the request, then the service returns document in the master locale.


Path Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : ResultList ContentKey
Type: object
Title: ResultList ContentKey
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : Collection Paging Resource
Title: Collection Paging Resource
Oracle base collection resource schema definition.
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : Base Collection Resource
Title: Base Collection Resource
Oracle base collection resource schema definition.
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : Singular Resource
Type: object
Title: Singular Resource
Oracle base singular resource schema definition.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Base Collection Resource-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Collection Paging Resource-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ResultList ContentKey-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : ContentKey
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : ContentKey-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : allTranslations
Type: array

This field will return list of all translated content that the user can view

This field will only be populated if allTranslations query parameter is passed in with value true.

Show Source
Nested Schema : LocaleKey
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : LocaleKey-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
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The following example shows how to find all the manual and learned document links associated with the document that has the specified answer ID by submitting a get request on the REST resource using cURL.

cURL Command

Command: curl -X "GET" "http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/latest/content/answers/{answerId}/documentLinks"

Example of Request Header

The following shows an example of the request header.

-H "kmauthtoken: {\"siteName\":\"ORACLE_KNOWLEDGE\",\"integrationUserToken\":\"\"+eCJYkxKwj5HUaIiJYun0/TpatwT1LmtcsF05W33xnEojifV/AsLDj9RpN0lKuorTMNKeSE1tgC7svVL+BzntqDON4KiM1HFlpxvXEUCB0P2w0Xrs75McygqxdVaDSE9"}" \
-H "Accept: application/json"

Example of Response Body

The following shows an example of the response body in JSON format.

  "items" : [ {
    "versionId" : "VERSIONID_VALUE",
    "documentId" : "DOCUMENTID_VALUE",
    "title" : "TITLE_VALUE",
    "version" : "VERSION_VALUE",
    "answerId" : 0,
    "links" : [ {
      "rel" : "canonical",
      "href" : "http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/{version}/{resourceURI}",
      "mediaType" : "application/json, application/xml",
      "templated" : true,
      "method" : "GET",
      "profile" : "http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/{version}/metadata-catalog/{resourceName}"
    } ]
  } ],
  "hasMore" : false,
  "limit" : 20,
  "offset" : 0,
  "links" : [ {
    "rel" : "canonical",
    "href" : "http://<IM_REST_API_HOST>/km/api/{version}/content?limit=20&offset=0",
    "mediaType" : "application/json, application/xml",
    "method" : "GET"
  } ],
  "count" : 1
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