Update a sales product




Path Parameters
Body ()
The items or services sold by an organization. Sales products are available to customers through quotes and promotions.
Root Schema : salesProducts
Type: object
The items or services sold by an organization. Sales products are available to customers through quotes and promotions.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-salesProducts-adminVisibleInterfaces
Type: object
The named ID that can be included in a list.
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Nested Schema : salesProducts-attributes
Type: object
The information about a product, whether it has a serial number, is disabled, and is of type Sales or Service.
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Nested Schema : salesProducts-descriptions
Type: object
The language-specific string used for localization. Labels are assembled in a list that is associated with a particular text field.
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Nested Schema : salesProducts-folder
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : salesProducts-names
Type: object
The language-specific strings used for localization of fields. The label text cannot be empty or null. The labels are assembled in a list associated with a particular text field.
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Nested Schema : salesProducts-schedules
Type: object
The price schedule for a sales product.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-salesProducts-descriptions-language
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : salesProducts-folder-parents
Type: object
NamedID in which the ID is read-only. Used for hierarchies, where caller can specify the parents by name, but cannot specify the parent IDs.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-salesProducts-names-language
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : salesProducts-schedules-price
Type: object
The monetary value that consists of currency, exchange rate, and value.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-salesProducts-schedules-schedule
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-salesProducts-schedules-price-currency
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Nested Schema : namedIDs-salesProducts-schedules-price-exchangeRate
Type: object
An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
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Default Response

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Use the PATCH operation with the following syntax to partially update a sales product object:


Include the data to be updated in the request body. Only the fields present in the request JSON data are updated. All other fields remain the same.

Request URI example


Request body example

"names": [
    "labelText": "Monde",

Response example

The status 200 OK is returned. Then retrieving the data for sales product 1 in language 8:


returns the following:

  "labelText": "Monde",
  "language": {
    "id": 8,
    "lookupName": "fr_CA"
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": "https://mysite.example.com/services/rest/connect/v1.4/salesProducts/1/names/8"
      "rel": "canonical",
      "href": "https://mysite.example.com/services/rest/connect/v1.4/salesProducts/1/names/8"
      "rel": "describedby",
      "href": "https://mysite.example.com/services/rest/connect/v1.4/metadata-catalog/salesProducts/names",
      "mediaType": "application/schema+json"


The name of the Mundo phone has been changed to Monde in Francophone Canada.
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