Modify User Status

You can view and change the status of individual users defined for your repository. Knowledge Advanced indicates user's user status as either Active or Locked.
  • Active indicates that the user is able to log in and perform all of their allowed functions.

  • Locked indicates that the user login failed more than five times. Knowledge Advanced notifies a system administrator when a user becomes locked. Locked users are not able to log onto Knowledge Advanced until a system administrator resets their status.

Here's how account locking works in Knowledge Advanced:

  • A console user will be locked after five unsuccessful login attempts in B2C Service. This gets synchronized in Knowledge Advanced in the following scenarios:

    • When first time shadow account job runs, it updates the user status to Locked in Knowledge Advanced.
    • When a new console user with same login name logs in, then the previous user will be locked in Knowledge Advanced.
  • A web user will be locked after five unsuccessful login attempts in B2C Service. Next time when a new web user logs in with the same login name, then the previous user will be locked in Knowledge Advanced.

The administrator can configure the number of invalid logins attempts using the Password Configuration editor accessed by clicking Configuration on the navigation pane and expanding Staff Management. By default, the number of invalid login attempts is set to 5.