Manage the Data Storage Table

Use this procedure to manage the data-storage table.

  1. To export usage data to a spreadsheet, from the Menu option, click Export to Excel. Data displayed on the table is saved to a spreadsheet.
  2. To customize the column display, from the View menu, click Columns.
    • Select or clear the columns to be displayed as required.

    • To sort the columns, from the View menu, click Sort.
      • Select a column header to sort.

      • From the Sort menu, click the arrows or select either Ascending or Descending option.

    • To further refine your display, from the Sort menu, select Advanced. In the Advanced Sort dialog box, select the following:
      • Sort By: Select the main column to sort by. For example, Table Name. Select either the Ascending or Descending order.

      • Then By: (Optional). Select the second column to sort by. For example, Storage. Select either the Ascending or Descending order.

      • Then By: (Optional). Select the third column to sort by. For example, Percent. Select either the Ascending or Descending order.

        If you select all the three sort parameters, then the table is sorted first by the main column (for example, Table Name) in the order specified and then within that, by the second (for example, Storage) or third column as specified.

  3. To format the data storage table, click Format. You can resize columns or use the column wrap to format data within the cells.
    • Select a column header.

    • To resize, from the Format menu, click Resize Columns.
      • In the Resize Column dialog box, enter the preferred width.

      • Select the unit, either Pixels or Percent.

      • Click OK.

    • To wrap text within the cells, from the Format menu, select Wrap.

  4. To freeze a column, select the column header and click Freeze. This is useful for tables with multiple columns.
  5. To wrap text within the cells of a column, select a column header and click Wrap.