Re-Create a Test Site

When you select the option to re-create a test site, it deletes the current test site completely and creates the test site on the same version as the production site. The option is available on B2C Service test sites.

Note: The scheduler uses the US Pacific Time Zone to re-create a test site.
  1. From the Configuration Assistant main page, go to the Service site for which you want to create a test site.
  2. Click the Service site link to view the site details.
  3. Click the menu icon (either from the main page or from the details page) and select Re-Create Test Site.
  4. Select one of the following clone types to create a test site:
    • Full Clone — Refreshes a full copy of the production site into an existing test site.

    • Sparse Clone — Refreshes the production configuration, customization, and last thousand incidents into an existing test site.

    • Discreet Clone — Refreshes only the production configuration and customization into an existing test site. Custom Objects will also be included. Does not include the incidents or contacts tables.

  5. From the Re-create test site window, click Create.
    A confirmation dialog with details about the selected clone type appears on the screen.
    Click Yes to proceed.
    A dialog box appears on the screen indicating that the Test Site creation request is submitted.
  6. Click OK.