Actions for Task Rules

These are the actions that you can choose for task rules.

Task rules are executed first when a task is updated at the same time as another object. Therefore, task actions based on non-task conditions are executed using the current value for the object rather than the updated value.

For example, assume you have created a contact rule that sets a contact’s Opportunities state to Yes if the contact’s global opt-in value is Yes. Also assume you have created a task rule that escalates a task if the contact’s Opportunities state equals Yes. If a staff member updates the contact for a task by setting the global opt-in to Yes and then saves the task, then the task will not be escalated. Because the task rule is executed before the contact rule, the contact’s Opportunities state is not yet updated to Yes, so the task escalation does not happen.

Actions for Task Rules

Action Description
Set Field Select this option, then select a field to set or change.
Assign Sets the Assigned field to the staff account you select.
Status Sets the Status field to the status you select.
Priority Sets the task priority to the priority you select.
Set Due Date To Sets the task due date to the date you select.
Set Planned Complete To Sets the task planned completion date to the date you select.
Task Start Date Sets the task start date to the date you select.
Task Complete Date Sets the task complete date to the date you select.
Set Custom Field Select a task custom field and set the value.

You must add a task custom field to your site for it to display.

Set Variable Set the variable to an absolute value, increment or decrement the variable, or append or prepend a character string.

The available actions depend on the variable data type. For variables to display, they must be added to the Rules tree.

Email Select this action to send one of these email notifications.
Email Task Information Sends the task information to the email address you select from a menu of staff members, groups, and distribution lists. Press Ctrl to make multiple selections.
Send Escalation Notification Sends an escalation notification to the staff member or group you specify. You can also select a check box to send the escalation notice to the staff person assigned to the task.
Escalate Select this action to escalate the task to the level you specify and set other escalation settings.
Clear Escalation Select this action to clear the escalation level.