Answer Conditions

When choosing answer conditions, select from these fields and enter the value in the specified format.

Conditions for Answers

Field Description Selecting the Value
Answer Access Answer’s access level. Select an access level from the menu.
Status Answer’s status. Select a status from the menu.
Previous Status Answer’s previous status. Select a status from the menu.
Assigned Staff account in the answer’s Assigned field. Select a staff account from the menu.
Group Group in the answer’s Assigned field. Select a group from the menu.
Previous Assigned Answer’s previous assigned staff account. Select a staff account from the menu.
Previous Group Answer’s previous group. Select a group from the menu.
Language Selected language installed from a language pack. Select a language from the menu.
Escalation Level Answer’s escalation level.

This field is set through rules in the database and cannot be edited in the record. To view an answer’s escalation level, click the Info button on the ribbon when the answer is open.

Select an escalation level from the menu.
Previous Escalation Level Answer’s previous escalation level. Select an escalation level from the menu.
Updated From Source of the most recent answer update. Select the check box that indicates where the answer was most recently updated.
Banner Note Information entered by a staff member in the banner. Enter text in the field.
Banner Flag Importance of the banner. Select an importance level from the menu.
Banner Updated Date and time the banner was last updated. Click the drop-down list to open the current month’s calendar, then select a date and time the banner was updated. Or select a relative time.
Banner Updated By Staff member who last updated the banner. Select a staff member from the menu.
Product Products added on the Products/Categories/Disposition editor. Select the appropriate product check boxes.
Category Categories added on the Products/Categories/Disposition editor. Select the appropriate category check boxes.