SLA Instance Field

Another incident field you may work with is the SLA Instance field.

An SLA is a service level agreement. SLAs let your organization to assign and track customer service, such as the number of questions a customer can submit through different channels and the duration of support.

Both contacts and organizations can have SLAs, but contacts that are associated with an organization do not have individual SLAs. Instead, their incidents are credited to their organization’s SLA. Only contacts that do not have an organization association can have SLAs.

Your administrator creates an SLA, which is a generic service contract that has not been applied to any specific customer. An SLA instance is a copy of the generic SLA applied to a specific customer. SLA instances can be applied manually by staff members whose profiles grant them permission to work with SLAs or automatically through business rules in Service. If you have read-only permissions for contacts, organizations, and incidents, you will see View in the SLA Instance field instead of Add or Edit.

When you work on an incident for a customer who has an SLA, you can credit that incident to the SLA. If the customer does not have an SLA, you must apply an SLA instance before you can credit the incident.