Contact Associations

Changing a contact organization association has implications for the incidents and opportunities associated with the contact.

If you change the organization for a contact who is the primary contact for an incident, the incident’s organization association changes to match that of the contact. Secondary contacts from a different organization remain with the incident even when you change the organization association of the primary contact. The effect of changing a contact’s organization association does not change the opportunity’s organization association. The contacts associated with the opportunity remain the same, regardless of the organization they are associated with.

It is possible to add contacts and not associate them with any other type of record in the knowledge base. But the real value of B2C Service comes from being able to associate contact records with organizations, incidents, opportunities, tasks, and contact lists. All staff members with permissions in their profile, whether they work in Service, Opportunity Tracking, Outreach, or Feedback, can open and update contact records, ensuring that every staff member has the most current information about all contacts.