Transactions Database Table Attribute and Description Fields

The attribute and description fields in the Transactions table contain information about events that occur on a number of different record types.

The data in the attribute 1, attribute 2, attribute 3, attribute 4, and description fields vary depending on the transaction type and the type of record or item the transaction is associated with.

Note: These fields aren’t populated for all types of transactions or all combinations of transactions and records. For example, the attribute 1 field contains the IP address of the source of an incident creation, but the value in this field will be NULL for an answer creation or an incident escalation.

This table describes the contents of the attribute 1 field for each transaction type. Transaction type ID numbers are shown in parentheses.

Attribute 1 (id1) Field Values

Transaction Type Attribute 1 Description

Created (2)

Edited (3)

If the record type is an incident, this is the IP address of the incident’s source for both the Created and Edited transaction types.

Assigned (4)

This is the assigned group.

Status Change (6)

This is the new status.

To filter reports on incident, answer, or opportunity status changes, we recommend using the Status field (status_id) in the Incident Statuses (inc_statuses), Answer Statuses (ans_statuses), or Opportunity Statuses (opp_statuses) tables. The Transactions table can be used for this purpose, but additional steps are required.

Response Sent (8)

This is the staff member who sent the response.

Forwarded (14)

This is the staff member who forwarded the record.

Message Send Failure (15)

This indicates the type of transaction that failed:

  • 8–Response sent
  • 14–Forwarded
  • 21–Forwarded by a rule
  • 22–Quote sent

Incident Proposed (16)

This is the answer that was created from the proposed incident.

Queue Changed (17)

This is the queue the record is assigned to.

Stage Changed (18)

This is the stage the opportunity was moved to.

Quote Sent (22)

This is the staff account that sent the quote.

Opt In (23)

If the value in the transaction’s attribute 2 field is 1, this is the custom field.

Sent (24)

This is the survey that was sent.

Completed (25)

This is the survey that was completed.

Disabled (26)

This indicates if the survey is disabled:

  • 0–Active
  • 1–Disabled

Advanced Mode (27)

This indicates if the survey is in Advanced mode:

  • 0–Not in Advanced mode
  • 1–In Advanced mode

Mailing Error (28)

This is the code associated with the mailing error. For a descriptions of the error codes, refer to the error details (error_code) field in the Mailing Messages (mailing_formats) table in the data dictionary. You can access the data dictionary from the Configuration button on the navigation pane at Database > Data Dictionary.

Audience Counted (30)

This is the audience count at the time it was counted.

CAN-SPAM Compliance (31)

This is a bit mask that indicates the results of CAN-SPAM compliance testing.

Quote Forecasted (32)

This indicates if the quote was forecasted:

  • 0–Not forecasted
  • 1–Forecasted

Quote Price Schedule Changed (33)

This is the schedule for the associated price schedule.

Quote Template Changed (34)

This is the action that was performed on the template:

  • 1–Add
  • 2–Update
  • 3–Delete

Invalid Email Flag Changed (35)

This indicates if the primary email address was set to Invalid:

  • 0–Not set to Invalid
  • 1–Set to Invalid

Password (36)

This indicates if the password was manually changed or reset:

  • 0–Changed
  • 1–Reset

Cloud Response Queued (37)

This is the staff member who queued the cloud response.

Country Changed (42)

This is the country the contact’s address was changed to.

Province Changed (44)

This is the province (or state) the contact’s address was changed to.

Sub-Object Move (47)

This is the ID number of the secondary contact that was merged into the primary contact record.

Cloud Result Appended (53)

This is the ID number of the incident thread the cloud result is appended to.

This table describes the contents of the attribute 2 field for each transaction type. Transaction type ID numbers are shown in parentheses.

Attribute 2 (id2) Field Values

Transaction Type

Attribute 2 Description

Created (2)

Edited (3)

This is the queue the record is assigned to at the time of the transaction for both the Created and Edited transaction types.

Assigned (4)

This is the staff member the record is assigned to.

Status Changed (6)

This is the group the staff member who performed the status change belongs to.

Response Sent (8)

This is the group the staff member who sent the response belongs to.

Forward (14)

This is the group the staff member who forwarded the record belongs to.

Message Send Failure (15)

This indicates the reason for the mailing error:

  • 1–Unknown
  • 2–Message disabled
  • 3–No escalation action
  • 4–Escalation disabled
  • 5–Message queued
  • 6–SMTP error
  • 7–No valid recipients
  • 8–Empty thread
  • 9-SMTP message undeliverable
  • 10-Cloud response failed

Queue Changed (17)

This is the queue the incident was previously assigned to.

Stage Changed (18)

This is the strategy the opportunity was changed to.

Quote Sent (22)

This is the group the staff member who sent the quote belongs to.

Opt-In (23)

This indicates the type of the opt-in flag:

  • 1–Custom field
  • 2–Global opt-in flag

Sent (24)

This is the account that's assigned to the record when the survey was sent.

Quote Template Changed (34)

This is the template used by the quote.

Invalid Email Flag Changed (35)

This indicates if the first alternate email address was set to Invalid:

  • 0–Not set to Invalid
  • 1–Set to Invalid

Cloud Result Appended (53)

This is the ID number of the cloud result.

This table describes the contents of the attribute 3 field for each transaction type. Transaction type ID numbers are shown in parentheses.

Attribute 3 (id3) Field Values

Transaction Type Attribute 3 Description

Created (2)

Edited (3)

If the record was created from a call, this is the call the incident or opportunity was created from for both the Created and Edited transaction types.

Assigned (4)

Status Changed (6)

Time Billed Added (7)

Response Sent (8)

Escalated (11)

Forwarded (14)

Message Send Failure (15)

Incident Proposed (16)

Forwarded by a Rule (21)

This is the queue the record was assigned to at the time of the transaction for all of these transaction types.

Opt-In (23)

This indicates if the flag was enabled or disabled:

  • 0–Disabled
  • 1–Enabled

Quote Template Changed (34)

This is the template that was changed.

Invalid Email Flag Changed (35)

This indicates if the second alternate email address was set to Invalid:

  • 0–Not set to Invalid
  • 1–Set to Invalid

This table describes the contents of the description field for transaction types that can have values in this field. This field is NULL for most transaction types. The number in parentheses is the type’s ID number.

Description Field Values

Transaction Type Description

Created (2)

If the new record is a meta-answer created from a proposed incident, this is the reference number of the incident that was proposed.

Access Level Changed (5)

This is a bit mask describing the answer’s new access level(s).

Response Sent (8)

This lists the email addresses (not including BCC) the response was sent to.

Escalated (11)

This is the new escalation level.

Forward (14)

This lists the email addresses the item was forwarded to.

Message Send Failure (15)

This lists the email addresses (not including BCC) that were to receive the message.

Incident Proposed (16)

This is the reference number of the incident that was proposed.

Forwarded by a Rule (21)

This lists the email addresses the record was forwarded to.

Quote Sent (22)

This lists the email addresses (not including BCC) the quote was sent to.

Email Changed (38)

This is the contact’s new email address.

Email Alt1 Changed (39)

This is the contact’s new Alt1 email address.

Email Alt2 Changed (40)

This is the contact’s new Alt2 email address.

City Changed (41)

This is the contact’s new city.

Postal Code Changed (43)

This is the contact’s new postal code.

Street Changed (45)

This is the contact’s new street address.

Proof Message Sent (49)

This lists the email addresses the proof message was sent to.

Document Deployed (50)

This is the name of the deployed document.

Cloud Response Received (51)

This is the name of the contact who sent the cloud response.

Cloud Result Appended (53)

This is the user name of the contact who posted the entry on Facebook or Twitter.