Computed Fields

You can create computed fields and use them in your reports.

Computed fields aren’t actual fields in the database, but are calculated from the columns in your output level. Before the output level has columns added, computed fields aren’t available. After you add columns to the output level, the data dictionary’s Computed Fields tree includes the columns you added. If you click a column in the tree, the available computed fields for that column appear in computed fields in the data dictionary. You can then drag the computed field you want to the design surface, just as you would with a standard database field.

Tip: You can also add computed fields by clicking a column on the design surface to select it, clicking the Design tab, clicking the arrow on the Insert Column button, and selecting the computed field you want to add.

Most database fields have only a comparison value computed field available. Additional calculations are available for integer fields, which store numbers. The moving average, moving total, percentage of average, percentage of total, running average, and running total columns are all available to use in output levels and in rollups, if rollups exist in the report. When computed fields are added to rollups, the values are reset at the beginning of each rollup section.

The Comparison Value and Comparison Percentage Value computed fields are described in Add a Comparison Value Column to a Report. The Trend Value and Trend Percentage Value computed fields are described in Add a Trend Percentage Column to a Report and Add a Trend Value Column to a Report.