How You Secure Customer Passwords

Configuration settings and password requirements enable you to secure customer passwords in B2C Service.

Configuration Settings

The EU_CUST_PASSWD_ENABLED configuration setting controls the visibility of the Password field on the customer portal login window. This setting is enabled by default because it offers significant protection for your organization and your customers. However, if your organization does not require customer passwords, you can remove the Password field from the login window by disabling this setting.

Customer Portal Settings for Passwords

Configuration Setting Description Default Value

Defines the duration in hours that a temporary link to reset a customer’s password is valid. This setting also defines the length of time a customer has access to answers on your site. See Emailing links to answers in Email Security.

RightNow User Interface/General/End-User

Displays the password field on the customer portal page.


Password Requirements

As with staff member passwords, you can define requirements to strengthen passwords on your customer portal. The editor for configuring customer passwords contains the same fields as those for staff passwords (see How You Configure Staff-Member Passwords). The only differences between the two editors are the default values.

See Define Customer Password Requirements for the procedure to define requirements for customers accessing your customer portal.