Date and Time Format Tokens for Configuration Settings

Use these format tokens to specify date and time formats in configuration settings.

Tokens Used in Configuration Settings

Token Description


Displays the three-character abbreviated weekday name. For example, Monday = Mon.


Displays the full weekday name. For example, Monday.


Displays the three-character abbreviated month name. For example, March = Mar.


Displays the full month name. For example, November.


Displays the two-digit numeric day of the month. The first through ninth days of the month are preceded by a zero (01-09).


Displays the date as MM/DD/YY (same as %m/%d/%y).


Displays the numeric day of the month. The first through ninth days of the month are not preceded by a zero.


Displays hours in 24-hour format. For example, 1 PM = 13.


Displays the hour in 12-hour format. For example, 5 PM = 5.


Displays the numeric day of the year. For example, April 7 = 97.


Displays the month as a two-digit number. For example, November = 11.


Displays the minutes as a two-digit number.


Inserts a hard return.


Displays the AM/PM indicator.


Displays the time as HH:MM:SS AM/PM (same as %I:%M:%S %p).


Displays the time as HH:MM (same as %H:%M).


Displays the seconds as a two-digit number.


Inserts a tab character.


Displays the time as HH:MM:SS (same as %H:%M:%S).


Displays the last two digits of the year. For example, 2008 = 08.


Displays the four-digit year. For example, 2008.


Displays the abbreviated time zone name. For example, Mountain Standard Time = MST.


Displays the full time zone name. For example, Mountain Standard Time.