How You Edit Column Formatting

You can edit formatting options for your report columns to change how they look, or to change how their data is presented.

When you edit a report or view an existing report, you can change the formatting for the report’s columns. Most of these options are the same for all columns and let you adjust column fonts, width, alignment, and similar properties. Other formatting options that impact how data displays vary depending on the type of information the column returns. For instance, a column that displays numbers will have different data options than a column that displays text.

When viewing reports you select format options from the Column Format window. When using the report designer, you can select from options in the Column Format window, or use buttons on the Format tab. The tab includes the most commonly used options available in the window.

If you change column format options when viewing a report, those changes are lost when you close the report. To save formatting changes on a custom report, you must edit it on the report designer.