Element Attributes

After you have added an element to the canvas, you must edit its attributes to make it functional. You can hover over any element on the canvas to see its type, name, and other information.

Note: You must define attributes for each element added or a validation error will occur when attempting to save the workflow. See Workflow Validation.

Elements vary by shape according to their functions.

  • User Interface—Rectangular elements used to denote items that display to staff members, such as workspaces, scripts, and other embedded workflows.
  • Automation—Circular elements used to denote automated events that run in the background, such as setting field values and creating and saving records.
  • Search—Polygonal elements that require staff members to perform a search, such as loading a record or associating a record with another record.
  • Decision—Diamond-shaped and polygonal elements that denote logical evaluations that are used to branch the flow across two or more paths based on conditions that you define.