Answer Evaluation Using Analytics

Service has several standard reports that track customer activity and provide data on the effectiveness of your knowledge base.

One of the most useful reports for identifying subject matter holes in your knowledge base is the Information Gaps report found in Public Reports/Service/Knowledge Base Reports. This report creates knowledge clusters from your existing incidents and compares them to your answers, alerting you when incidents are created that are not closely matched to any answer. By browsing the incidents and their cluster topics, you can evaluate the need for additional answers in your knowledge base.

The Analytics tab on the standard answer workspace displays reports about the answer currently being viewed or edited. The reports are found in Public Reports/Service/Site Reports/Actionable Knowledge Foundation. By reviewing the reports on the Analytics tab, you can fine-tune individual answers to make them more relevant for the customer portal and ultimately improve customer satisfaction.

The Analytics tab contains a toolbar for performing actions on the reports. Three tabs are found under the toolbar: the Descriptions tab, which provides descriptions for the reports, and the Summary and Top 10 tabs, which display the reports.

By default, the Summary tab opens and displays these reports.

  • Answer Usage—This report provides contact usage details on a per-answer basis.
  • Answer Click-Through Rate—This report provides a list of customer portal pages, and actions and details about the visits for each.
  • Answer Effectiveness—This report provides details about the actions performed on individual answers that provide an overall assessment of how effective each answer is.
  • Escalation Details Per Answer—This report provides information about the escalations that occurred after a particular answer was viewed.

The Top 10 tab displays these reports.

  • Top Searches Per Answer—This report provides the top ten searches that returned an answer that was viewed by a contact.
  • Top Previous Answers by Answer—This report provides a list of answers viewed during a selected time period, along with the top ten answers that were most often viewed previous to that time period.
  • Answer Referrers—This report provides the domain names ( that visitors arrive from and the number of times (visits) a given answer was viewed by individuals from those domains.
  • Top Next Answers by Answer—This report provides a list of answers viewed during a selected time period, along with the top ten answers that were most often viewed after that time period.