Export and Import of Custom Objects

Before you deploy custom objects on your production site, we recommend that you first test them on a test site that is similar to your production site. This helps ensure that the custom objects function as expected and interact with other data in your site the way you want.

After verifying that the custom objects are configured correctly on the test site, you can export the objects from the test site and then import them into your production site. The imported objects will include all the fields, indexes, and other attributes originally configured for them. The relationship configuration of the objects is also included if all of the related custom objects are exported and imported.

Note: Only custom objects that have been deployed can be exported. In addition, only system attributes, menu-only objects, and objects that have the Object is Available in Workspaces, Scripting, and Workflow option selected can be exported. Because a maximum of 23 custom objects can be imported at a time (not including menu-only objects), we recommend exporting no more than 23 custom objects at a time. Multiple export files can be created and then imported.