Survey Management

When creating or editing a survey, the Summary tab provides a variety of survey management functions.

Most of these functions vary depending on the survey invitation method, but some can be used on any survey, including the following.

  • Changing the survey invitation method—After you create a survey, you can change its invitation method type. The invitation methods available are Broadcast, Transactional, Website Link, and Polling Survey. Broadcast surveys with an active recurrence are labeled Recurring Broadcast Survey.
  • Deactivating an active survey—When you change the survey status to Inactive, customers cannot submit responses to the survey and receive a warning message when attempting to access the survey URL.
  • Setting survey expiration—Customizing the availability of your surveys makes the feedback you receive from your customers more timely and actionable, and therefore, more meaningful for your organization.
  • Adding notes—You may want to add notes to a survey that are not sent to audience members. You can use notes to provide additional information about the survey that can be viewed by staff members as they are working with the survey.
  • Adding tasks—You can assign new or existing tasks to surveys and edit, delete, and forward tasks to other staff members. You can also view each task associated with the survey.

Other common functions available from the Summary tab include the ability to add file attachments or view the audit log to see when the surveys and broadcast survey reminders were created and edited and when delivery statuses changed.