Report Designer Options Tab

Use the Options tab on the report designer to change how your custom report looks.

The Options tab is available when you click a report section, column, table, or other item. The tab displays options appropriate for the report item you have selected. The type of item you select displays above the Options tab. For example, after selecting a report section you could edit the section’s margins, borders, fill colors, and layout options from the tab.

Options Tab

Group/Button Description
Margin Click this button to select the width of the margins around the item. Options include None, Narrow, Medium, and Custom. Selecting Custom lets you specify the number of pixels for the top, bottom, left, and right margins.
Border The buttons in this group let you add borders to the selected item and change the borders’ display options. You can identify which borders you want and choose the borders’ color, size, and style.
Fill The buttons in this group let you add a background color to the selected item. You can select the background color and add a gradient color to blend into the primary color. You can also choose how intense the colors should be with the Transparency setting.


The buttons in this group let you define how the content of the selected report section should be arranged and how the height of the section should be managed. See Change the Display of a Report Section.

This group isn't shown when a column is selected.

Manual Click this button to manually size the report section and manually position text fields and images you add to the section. When a section is configured with manual layout, you control the placement of items on the section and the section’s height.
Automatic Click this button to automatically size the report section and automatically position text fields and images you add to the section. When a section is configured with automatic layout, you do not need to specify the placement of items on the section or the section’s height.


Click the down arrow on this button to select a layout for the chart section. See Add a Chart Using Chart Layouts.

This button is shown when a chart is selected on the report.

Auto Height If Automatic layout is selected, you can click this button to prevent the height of the section from being automatically set.
Table Layout If Automatic layout is selected, you can click this button to configure the layout of the table that underlies each report section. For example, you can specify that all columns in the table have the same width, giving any images or text fields in those columns the same amount of horizontal space. See Change the Layout of a Report Section.

Add Text Field

Click this button to add a new text field to the report.

This button is shown when a text field, image, or report section is selected on the report.

Add Chart

Click this button to add a new chart to the report.

This button is shown when a chart is selected on the report.

Add Column

Click this button to add a new output column to the report.

This button is shown when a column is selected on the report.