Report Properties

In addition to selecting the report you want to appear on a workspace or script, you can modify the report properties to enable certain behaviors and functions. The following report functions are available on the Design tab.

  • Time Limit—Specifies the maximum amount of time a report can take to generate on the workspace. See Set a Time Limit for a Report Control.
  • Hide Report Commands—Hides and disables the report commands (for example, New, Open, Copy, Delete, Print, Forward, Assign, and Propose) on the workspace.
  • Show Row Count—Displays the number of records in a report next to the tab title.

The properties described here can also be accessed by clicking Report Behavior on the Design tab.

Report Behavior Properties

Property Description
Delay Report Execution Select this option if you want the report to run only when the tab the report is shown on is selected. If this option is not selected, the report runs when the workspace opens. This option is enabled by default.

If the report is visible when the workspace is opened (for example, it appears on the top tab), it will always run immediately even if the property is enabled.

Filter on Primary Key Only Select this option if you want the report to filter only on the primary key. If this option is not selected, the report will also filter on any related objects. For example, when this option is enabled, an incidents report will use only the incident ID filter to filter the results. When the option is disabled, the report will also filter the report on any of the workspace fields selected on the Report Filter Mapping Wizard. See Filter Workspace Fields on a Workspace Report.
Open Existing Records in Separate Workgroup Select this option if you want records opened from this report to display in a new workgroup tab. This allows the opened record to be saved independently from the record the control is on. If this option is not selected, records will be opened on a subtab and edits are saved when any record in the subtab workgroup is saved.
Delete Records Immediately Select this option to delete records in the report when a staff member clicks Delete and confirms the deletion request. If this option is not selected, records will be queued for deletion and not actually deleted until the record being edited is saved.
Create New Records in Separate Workgroup Select this option if you want new records created from a parent record to open in a new workgroup tab. This allows the new record to be saved without saving the parent record. If this option is not selected, new records will open on a subtab and edits are saved when any record in the subtab workgroup is saved.

This property is available for the Incident View, Opportunity View, Task View, and Custom Object View relationship items.

Refresh Report When Data Changes Select this option if you want the report to be run again when related data is changed. (For example, if a staff member is using a workspace that contains the Incidents by Organization or Contact report and changes the contact, the report refreshes to update with new information.)

This property is not available for the Manually Related Answers, Learned Link, Incident View, and Custom Object View relationship items.

Execute for New Records Select this option if you want the report to run when you open the workspace to create a new record. This option is disabled by default to prevent reports that rely on data in the record from attempting to run when a new record is being created.

This property is not available for the Manually Related Answers, Learned Link, Incident View, and Custom Object View relationship items.