Reports Explorer

The Reports explorer provides you with one location to view and organize reports, and edit and create custom reports and dashboards.

The content created in the other Analytics explorers is applied to reports using the Reports explorer.

Reports are contained in folders in the Reports explorer. These folders are in a tree structure and can be expanded or collapsed to hide or display their contents. Reports that are accessible by multiple staff members are contained in the Public Reports folder, and private reports that are accessible only to the staff member who created them are stored in the My Reports folder.
Note: Other staff members’ My Reports folders aren't displayed in the Reports explorer. However, administrators can log in with the administrator account to access every account’s folders. This ensures that private reports can be edited, moved, and deleted if necessary.

Clicking a folder in the Reports explorer’s tree displays the folder’s contents in the list on the right. A folder’s contents can include reports, dashboards, and subfolders. Reports and dashboards contained in the same folder are automatically sorted in alphabetical order and cannot be reordered. However, you can drag items from one folder to another.

Right-clicking a folder or report displays a list of actions you can take on the item, such as opening a report for editing or queuing a report.