Considerations for Setting Hidden and Read-Only Properties for Required Fields

You can set the Hidden and Read–Only properties for required fields when the combination of properties does not prevent a required field from being set. However, attempting to set certain combinations of the Hidden and Read–Only properties on required items is not allowed.

When setting these properties for required fields, you should consider the following limitations.

  • Standard fields that are required for a workspace, such as the Contact field on incident workspaces, cannot have their Required properties disabled or Read–Only properties enabled for new records.
  • If you set a field property to Read–Only for new records, you cannot also enable the Required property for new records.
  • If you set a field to be hidden when creating a record, you cannot also enable the Required property when creating a record.
  • If you set a field to be required when opening a record, you can set the Hidden property for that field to any value.
  • If you set a field to be required when creating a record, you can enable the Hidden property when opening an existing record.
  • If you set a field to always be required, you can enable the Hidden property when opening an existing record.
  • If you set a field to always be required, you can enable the Hidden property when creating a record if you also set a default value for the field on the design space. See Considerations for Using the Default Value Property.