Subscription Management

The Subscription Management template lets contacts update their subscription preferences. Contacts can update their information through a web form. After submitting the web form, they are redirected to a web page that confirms their submission and then sent a transactional mailing as additional confirmation.

Subscription Management Template

Component Description

Subscription Form

This element serves a document as a web page. Double-click the element to select or create a document that uses a web form to gather contact information.

Confirmation (Serve Web Page)

This element serves a document as a web page to contacts who submitted the subscription form. Double-click the element to select or create a document as a confirmation page.

Confirmation (Transactional Mailing)

This element sends a transactional mailing to contacts who submitted the subscription form. Double-click the element to select or create a mailing and decide when to send it and how to filter it.

Note: In addition to using predefined campaign templates, you can reuse flow diagrams from previously created campaigns. See Choose an Existing Design.