Task Conditions

When choosing task conditions, select from these fields and enter the value in the specified format.

Conditions for Tasks

Field Description Value
Status Task status. Select a status from the menu.
Previous Status Task previous status. Select a status from the menu.
Assign Staff member to assign the task. Select a staff account from the drop-down list.
Previous Assigned Staff member previously assigned the task. Select a staff account from the menu.
Completed Date Date the task was completed. Click the drop-down list to open the current month calendar, then select a task completion date.

Use the arrows at the top to change the month if necessary.

Created Date the task was added. Click the drop-down list to open the current month calendar, then select the date the task was added.
Updated Date the task was last updated. Click the drop-down list to open the current month calendar, then select the date the task was updated.
Updated From Source of the most recent task update. Select the check box that indicates where the task was most recently updated.
Due Date Date the task is due. Click the drop-down list to open the current month calendar, then select the task’s due date.
Escalation Level Task escalation level.

This field is set through rules in the database and cannot be edited in the record. To view a task escalation level, click Info on the ribbon when the task is open.

Select an escalation level from the menu.
Previous Escalation Level Task previous escalation level. Select an escalation level from the menu.
Name Name of the task. Enter the task name in the field.
Percent Complete Percentage of the task that is complete. Enter a value in the field.
Planned Completion Date Date the task is scheduled to be completed. Click the drop-down list to open the current month calendar, then select the planned completion date for the task.
Priority Task priority. Select a priority from the menu.
Start Date Date the task is started. Click the drop-down list to open the current month calendar, then select a start date for the task.
Type Type of task, which means the type of record the task is associated with. Select a task type from the menu.