Guidelines for Testing Your Agent Desktop Design

As you carefully map out and design your dynamic agent desktop, be sure to test it thoroughly before deploying to your operational environment.

Here are some helpful guidelines.

  • Make frequent use of preview and validation—As you design workspaces, guides, scripts, workflows, and rules, make a habit of correcting mistakes to your work as you go. The Home tab of each editor provides a Preview or Validate button to help you check for problems. If you correct configuration issues promptly, you'll probably find them easier to resolve because your design decisions should still be fresh in your mind.
  • Account for the profile restrictions of your agents—When you preview a workflow or a script, it'll display as it would to any staff member who has the same set of profile permissions you have. To view it as it will appear to a specific staff member with different permissions, log in using a test account with the same profile as that staff member.
  • Phase in major changes—In some cases, testing in a non-production environment may not find every conflict or hole in your process. Workspaces and workflows are specific to each profile, so if an agent desktop is designed to be used by multiple profiles across a large number of agents, you might also consider rolling it out in phases, or to a small subset of your staff before taking it fully live.
  • Invite suggestions for improvement—Incorporate a method (such as an incident submission element or internal survey) for your agents to submit feedback about any problems found or suggestions for further refinements. And consider keeping it in place to augment your standard processes—timely, specific feedback can be just as useful during day-to-day production use as it's during the testing phase.