Dashboard Designer Text Field Tab

The ribbon’s Text Field tab is shown when you select a text field on the dashboard designer.

You can use the buttons on the tab to edit the text field fonts, margins, and borders.

Text Field Tab

Group/Button Description


Click this button to open the Edit Text Field window, where you can select fonts, margins, fill colors, and borders for the text. Many of the buttons on the Text Field tab let you customize the same options available on the Edit Text Field window.


The buttons in this group let you position and size the selected text field.


Click this button to define an anchor style for the image or text field. Anchor styles determine how an image or text field moves in relation to the borders of the dashboard section. See Specify an Anchor Style for a Text Field and Specify an Anchor Style for an Image.

Bring to Front/Send to Back

Click these buttons to place the selected item on top of or beneath other overlapping items.

Size to Fit

Click this button to automatically shrink or expand the element containing the image or text field to fit the selected item.

Manually resizing the selected element disables Size to Fit.


The buttons in this group let you change the font style, size, and color. You can also select font attributes, such as bold and italic, and change the text alignment within the text field. In addition, you can add a background color for the text field.


Click this button to select the width of the margins around the item. The available options are None, Narrow, Medium, Wide, and Custom. Selecting Custom lets you specify the number of pixels for the top, bottom, left, and right margins.


The buttons in this group let you add borders to the text field and change the border display options. You can identify which borders you want and choose the border color, size, and style.