Navigation Panel Control Buttons

The navigation panel contains four buttons that let you navigate between pages in the script even if there are no branches to the pages. Some of the buttons can be used in the When condition in branches and script rules, so you can create your own functionality for these buttons.

Since these buttons are available in a single control, you can quickly add the buttons to any page you want. The page footer contains this control by default. The following buttons are included in the control.

  • Beginning—Click this button to return to the first page of the script.
  • Previous—Click this button to return to the previous page in the script.
  • Next—Click this button to proceed to the next page in the script. By default, this is the next page that is on the same tree level, shown on the page selector, as the current page. However, a branch can be created to load a different page when this button is clicked.
  • Exit/Finish—Click this button to trigger any rules or branches that include the Exit Script Event Fires or Finish Script Event Fires triggers. When you are on the last page of a script, Exit is renamed Finish. This button is not enabled unless a rule or branch is configured to use one of these conditions.