Overview of Staff Management

Every staff member who accesses or works in B2C Service requires a staff account.

Staff management includes these tasks.

  • Creating and editing profiles
  • Creating and editing staff accounts
  • Assigning permissions
  • Configuring staff-member passwords

Before creating a staff account, you must create a profile for that account. Profiles define the products and information staff members can work with when logged in to B2C Service. Staff accounts include staff-member-specific information, such as the account login, phone number, and assigned profile. Staff accounts are organized in folders according to groups defined by job duties or other criteria, though you can also define secondary groupings by manager.

When you create a staff account, you also can specify an initial password, which can later be changed by you or the staff member after log in. You control the requirements passwords must conform to by defining the minimum password length, format, expiration options, and the number of invalid logins allowed.