Workspace Rule Triggers Description

Available triggers vary based on the fields and controls that have been added to the workspace.

All rule triggers listed in this table are supported in the Service Console and on the Agent Browser UI.

Rule Triggers

Event Description

The editor loads

Add this event to trigger the rule immediately after a record is opened using the workspace.

When using this trigger, rule conditions are evaluated at the time the record is opened. If any of the conditions require that items be changed after the record is opened, the rule will not fire.

The record is saved without closing

Add this event to trigger the rule immediately after a record is saved without being closed. For example, you could have a rule that runs when a staff member clicks the Save button instead of Save and Close.

This event does not affect records which are closed when saved or without being saved. This trigger should not be used as a last check before the record is saved, since it changes the values displayed in the workspace after the save occurs, not before.

The record is forwarded Add this event to trigger the rule immediately after a record is forwarded using the workspace.

A field changes

Add this event to trigger the rule immediately after the value of a field is changed. When added, click the underlined text to select a field that will trigger the rule. Available fields vary depending on the type of workspace you are editing. For example, when creating a rule on an incident workspace, you can select fields from the incidents, contacts, and organizations tables. However, not every field in these tables is available for use in workspace rules.

When using this trigger, the rule is evaluated at the time any change is made to the selected field. If the selected field is a text field, the rule will be evaluated the moment any character in the field is changed.

If the selected field is a currency, the rule will be evaluated when the field loses focus.

Not all fields are supported on the Agent Browser UI.

An input control value changes

Add this event to trigger the rule immediately after the value of an input control is changed to another value or to no value. When added, click the underlined text to select an input control that will trigger the rule. Available input controls include any menus, options, list boxes, and text boxes that are not used to trigger other rules.

This event is available only when an input control has been added to the workspace. When using this trigger, the rule is evaluated immediately after any change is made to the input control. If you want to verify that a specific value was selected, add An Input Control Has a Certain Value as a condition.

A button is clicked

Add this event to trigger the rule immediately after a button on the workspace is clicked. When added, click the underlined text to select a button from the workspace that will trigger the rule.

This trigger is available only when a button has been added to the workspace.

An image is clicked

Add this event to trigger the rule immediately after an image is clicked. When added, click the underlined text to select an image from the workspace that will trigger the rule.

This trigger is available only when an image has been added to the workspace.

A hyperlink control is clicked

Add this event to trigger the rule immediately after a hyperlink is clicked. When added, click the underlined text to select a link from the workspace that will trigger the rule.

This trigger is available only when a hyperlink has been added to the workspace.

The exit script event fires

Add this event to trigger the rule immediately after the Exit button is clicked, or when an exit script event is fired by a rule in a script placed on the workspace. Rule conditions are evaluated at the time that the event is fired.

The finish script event fires

Add this event to trigger the rule immediately after the Finish button is clicked, or when a finish script event is fired by a rule in a script placed on the workspace. Rule conditions are evaluated at the time that the event is fired.

The guide finished

Add this event to trigger the rule immediately after the Finish button is clicked in a Guided Assistance relationship item indicating that a staff member has finished using a guide.

This trigger is available only when the Guided Assistance relationship item has been added to the workspace.

An input control value is selected

Add this event to trigger the rule immediately after an input control value is selected. When added, click the underlined text to select an input control that will trigger the rule. Available input controls include any menus, options, and list boxes that are not used to trigger other rules.

This event is available only when an input control has been added to the workspace. When using this trigger, the rule is evaluated at the time a value is selected from the input control. If you want to verify that a specific value was selected, add An Input Control Has a Certain Value as a condition.

A named event fires

Add this event to trigger the rule immediately after a named event is fired by another rule on the workspace or by a rule in a script placed on the workspace. When added, click the underlined text to enter the name of the event that will trigger the rule. Rule conditions are evaluated at the time that the event is fired.