Add a Price Schedule to a Sales Product

Price schedules provide an additional method for classifying information about sales products, but their use is optional.

If you do not create price schedules or add them to sales products, the sales products are not available to staff members creating quotes. Only those products associated with the selected price schedule can be used in a quote.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Sales in the configuration list, and then double-click Product Catalog.
    The Product Catalog tree displays on the content pane.
  3. Click a product in the tree to open the Product Details editor.
  4. Click New to the right of Price Schedules.
    A row is added to the table.
  5. Click the Price Schedule drop-down menu and select a price schedule.
  6. Enter field information.

    Price Schedule Field

    Field Description
    *Price Double-click this field and enter a price.
    Currency This read-only field is determined by the price schedule you select.
    *Start Date Click each month, day, and year component of this date field and enter an effective start date for the price schedule. Or click the calendar and select a date.

    When you add a price schedule, this field is populated with the current date.

    End Date This read-only field is blank if you select only one price schedule for the sales product. However, if you add the same price schedule with a different price, the start date for the later-starting price schedule becomes the end date for the earlier-starting price schedule.
    Notes Enter any notes you want to add to the price schedule.
  7. Click Save.