Add a Response to an Incident

Follow this procedure to add a response to an incident.

  1. From an incidents report, right-click the incident and select Open > Incident.
  2. If the Messages tab is not on top, click Messages.
    Note: On the standard incident workspace, this tab displays when an incident is opened.
  3. If the Response option is not selected automatically, click Add and select Response to display the title bar on the uncommitted threads panel.
    Note: You can add multiple threads to the uncommitted threads panel before saving the incident. To edit or delete a thread, click Edit or Delete found on the right side of the title bar.
  4. To identify a channel for a response, click the Email drop-down list in the Response title bar and select one of the following options: Phone, Fax, Post, CSS Web, or Email.
    Note: Email is the default channel on the Response title bar.
  5. Enter your response to the customer’s question. See Incident Thread Toolbar.
    When you save the incident, the uncommitted threads panel closes and all uncommitted threads move to the committed threads panel. The committed threads panel expands so the incident threads are easier to read.

    You can right-click in the committed threads panel and choose options for selecting, copying, and finding text. The find feature, which can also be opened by pressing Ctrl+F, can be useful for finding information quickly.


The thread control remains in this state until you add another response, customer entry, or private note. At that point, the uncommitted threads panel displays again.