Add Gauge Charts to a Column

You can display numeric or currency values in a column as gauge charts. Several types of gauges are available.

  1. Right-click the header of the column you want to modify and select Edit Format.
    The Column Format window opens.
  2. Click the Gauge tab.
  3. Enter field information.

    Gauge Tab

    Field Description
    Inline Gauge Type Click this drop-down list to select the type of gauge you want to use. Options include None, Linear Gauge, Circular Gauge, Progress Bar, LED, and Status Gauge.
    Display Numeric Value Select this check box to display numeric values on the gauge.
    Orientation This option displays only when Status Gauge is selected. You can select Circular to display the information using a circular line, similar to a donut chart. You can select Horizontal to display the information using a horizontal line.
    Show Reference Marks This option displays only when Status Gauge is selected. Select this check box to display lines on the status gauge where your gauge color ranges are configured. For instance, if you configure ranges of 0%–50% and 51%-100%, a line will display at the midpoint of the gauge between the two ranges.
    Size Define the size of the gauge in this section.
    Best Fit Select this option to allow the width of the gauge to be automatically sized to the best fit for the report.
    Specific Width Select this option to define a width for the gauge. Enter the width of the gauge and select the unit to use from the drop-down list. You can select Percentage (of the total width of the column), Pixel, Inch, Cm (centimeter), Mm (millimeter), Pica, Point, Em, and Ex.
    Bar Size Define the bar size of the gauge in this section. This section is available only for the Status Gauge type.
    Best Fit Select this option to allow the width of the gauge’s bar to be automatically sized to the best fit for the report.
    Specific Width Select this option to define a width for the gauge’s bar. Enter the width you want for the bar size and select the unit to use from the drop-down list. You can select Percentage (of the total width of the column), Pixel, Inch, Cm (centimeter), Mm (millimeter), Pica, Point, Em, and Ex.
    Scales Define the scale ranges used for the gauge in this section.
    Scale Start/Scale End Enter the starting value (lowest value) and ending (highest value) for the gauge’s scale in these fields.

    These options are enabled only when defining a custom scale.

    Use Report Min Select these check boxes to use the lowest value or highest value returned in the column as the scale start value.
    Use Report Max Select this check box to use the highest value returned in the column as the scale end value.
    Colors Select colors used for the gauge in this section. This section isn't available for LED gauges.
    Indicator Color Click this color box to select the color to use as the gauge indicator color. This option isn't available for the LED or Status Gauge types.
    Border Color Click this color box to select the color to use as the gauge border color.
    Gauge Color Ranges Add color ranges and define range colors in this section. Color ranges are optional, but can be used to display numeric values in different colors. The graphic that indicates the value of the field in the report displays in the color configured for the range the value falls in. Range values cannot contain gaps or overlap.

    Color ranges aren't available with Progress Bar gauges.

    Add Range Click this text to add a color range.

    A maximum of five ranges can be shown on the gauge.

    Remove Range Click this text to remove a range you have added.
    Minimum/Maximum Enter the starting and ending value for the range in these fields.
    Start Color/End Color Click these color boxes to select colors to indicate the start and end points of the range.
  4. Click OK.