Add or Edit a Holiday

To ensure your organization meets its service goals, you need to add all holidays observed by your organization.

Holidays work in conjunction with your default response requirements and any custom response requirements defined in individual SLAs. That is, by adding holidays, you can temporarily suspend response requirements for those days when staff members are not available to respond to customer inquiries and answer their questions.

For example, if your organization observes Independence Day, add it as a holiday so the defaults you set for response and resolution times are suspended for that day. Failing to add the holidays your organization observes will present an inaccurate picture of how staff members are meeting their service goals.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Service > Service Level Agreements, and then double-click Holidays.
    The Holidays tree displays on the content pane.
  3. Choose from the following options:
    • To add a holiday, click New to display the editor.
    • To edit a holiday, click it in the tree.
  4. Enter field information.

    Holidays Editor

    Field Description
    *Name Enter the name of the holiday.
    *Date Click in this field and enter the month, day, and year. (The current date appears in this field.)


    Click the calendar to select a different day in the month. Use the left and right arrows at the top of the calendar to change the month, and then click a day.

    Interface Visibility Select the check box next to each interface for which this holiday applies.

    When you have multiple interfaces for different countries, you can make a holiday active in one interface but not in another. For example, since July 4 is a holiday in the United States but not in Canada, you would select only your U. S. interfaces for this holiday. However, if your support is handled from the United States, you may want to make the holiday an option in both Canadian and U.S. interfaces.

  5. Click Save.
    Note: You must add an entry for all holidays that occur yearly. For example, you must add separate entries for July 4, 2020, and July 4, 2021.