Add or Edit a Strategy

Add a strategy for each kind of opportunity your staff members will work on.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Opportunity Tracking, and then double-click Strategies.
    The Strategies tree displays on the content pane.
  3. Perform one of these tasks:
    • To add a strategy, click New. The editor displays on the content pane.
    • To edit a strategy, click it in the tree.
  4. Enter field information.

    Strategies Editor

    Field Description
    *Strategy Name Enter the name of the strategy. The item name in the Strategies tree on the left side of the content pane and the Label field in the Interface Visibility section are populated or revised as you type.
    Disabled Select this check box to prevent sales representatives from selecting or viewing the sales strategy.
    Notes Enter any comments about the sales strategy.
    Visible Clear this check box if you do not want the strategy to be visible on the interface.
  5. Because you cannot save the strategy without adding at least one stage to it, click the arrow on the New button and select Add a New Stage to the Selected Strategy.
    The Stage Details editor displays on the content pane.
  6. Enter field information.

    Stage Details Editor

    Field Description
    *Stage Name Enter the name of the stage. The stage details item name in the Strategies tree on the left side of the content pane and the Label field in the Interface Visibility section are populated or revised as you type.
    Forecast Percent To enable this field, select the Forecast Enabled check box.

    The forecast percentage is an estimate of how far an opportunity has progressed in the sales strategy when it is at this stage. For example, you might be only 5% confident that an opportunity will close when it is in an Initial Contact stage, but 100% confident at a Sale Complete stage. Enter a value in the field.

    Forecast Enabled Select this check box to enable forecasts for the stage.
    Note: You must select this check box to activate the Forecast Percent field.
    Status Type Select a status type from this drop-down list to associate with the stage.
    Notes Enter any comments about the stage.
  7. To add another stage to the strategy, repeat the previous steps.
  8. Click Save.