Add or Edit an Asset Status

Asset statuses help you manage assets by tracking which assets are in use, which are no longer used or supported, and which assets have not been associated with customers.

The three default statuses are Active, Retired, and Unregistered, and are associated with three status types, also named Active, Retired, and Unregistered. These status types have different purposes.
  • Active—This is used for assets that are associated with contacts or organizations.
  • Retired—This is used for assets that have previously been associated with contacts or organizations, but are no longer in use. Instead of deleting these records, you can use the Retired status type to continue to track assets that are no longer used.
  • Unregistered—This is used for assets that have not been associated with contacts or organizations.

You can rename the three default statuses and add additional statuses to help you better organize assets. When you add a status, you must assign it to one of the three status types. You cannot modify the asset status types or add custom status types.

  1. Double-click Customizable Menus in Configuration > Application Appearance.
  2. Expand the System Menus folder.
  3. Click Asset Statuses to display the editor.
  4. To edit an existing status, click the status.
  5. To add a new status, click New.
  6. Click Status and select a status type.
    After you save a status, you cannot change its status type.
  7. Enter a name for a new status or edit an existing one in the Label field.
  8. Click Save.