Add Time Billed to an Incident

This topic describes how you can use the fields available on the Time Billed tab to track your time working on an incident.

Your organization may collect statistics on the amount of time agents spend solving incidents so that management can plan for better use of staff time. These statistics can also identify products or issues that are causing similar customer questions, allowing answers to be added to the knowledge base to reduce the amount of time agents must spend on them.

The Time Billed tab is where you enter the amount of time you spend on an incident. It also lets you see details about the amount of time other agents spent on the incident. Depending on how your administrator has configured your application, you may be required to enter time billed every time you edit an incident or before you can set an incident status to Solved.

  1. From an incidents report, right-click the incident and select Open > Incident.
  2. Click the Time Billed tab. The tab contains the number of time billed entries associated with the incident in parentheses next to the tab name.
  3. Click Add New to open the Time Billed window.
  4. Enter field information.

    Time Billed Window

    Field Description
    *Date The default is today’s date. Click the drop-down list to open the current month’s calendar and select a date.
    *Billed By Click this drop-down list and select a staff member. This field defaults to your staff account since you are editing the incident.
    *Billable Task The default billable task is Miscellaneous, but your administrator may have added other billable tasks for you to select. Click this drop-down list and select a task.
    *Duration Select the value in the Hours or Minutes field, or both, and enter a new value. Or use the up and down arrows to adjust the duration.
    Notes Enter a note about the time billed for the incident.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Save.