Apply Product-Specific Logos

This example shows you how to use case sections and conditional sections to brand your message templates based on products within the same interface.

For instance, say you have one interface that represents two separate brands—each one with its own logo. You’ve already defined each brand as its own product. Now, you want your customer-facing message templates to display the correct logo depending on which product the message refers to. If you had a separate interface for each brand, the global template could be used to apply the same branding across the entire interface. However, since you have only one interface, the global template will not work because it is applied across all messages per interface. Therefore, you must remove the global template from the individual message templates and then use case and conditional sections to display the appropriate logo based on product.

Most likely, you’ll want to focus this effort on the customer-facing, incident-related message templates, although any of the messages found in the Contact Emails message type should be considered. In some cases, taking a more generic approach in which the global template could be used might make more sense.

  1. From an open message template, click Template on the ribbon. This action removes the global template from the message template.
  2. Insert your cursor where you want your logo to display and click Case Section in the toolbox.
  3. Select the conditional section inside the case section, right-click, and select Conditional Section Properties. The Conditional Section window opens.
    1. Select Associated Record.
    2. In the Record section, expand the Incident Fields folder and select Product.
    3. Select Equals from the Operator drop-down list.
    4. Select the product you want associated with this conditional section from the Value drop-down list.
    5. Click OK.
  4. Right-click inside the case section and select Add Conditional Section.
  5. Repeat steps 3a-3d to define the condition for your second product.
  6. Click inside the first conditional section and click Image in the toolbox. The Image Editor window opens.
    1. Enter the URL where the logo you want to display for this product is found.
    2. Click OK.
  7. Repeat step 6 for the second conditional section.
    Note: Leave the Default section blank, don't delete it. This way, if the product is unknown, then no image displays.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Repeat steps 1-8 for each message template you want to apply different logos to.
    Tip: After you define the first case section, you can easily select the case section, copy it, and then paste it into your other message templates.

What to do next

At this point, your changes are not active because they have not been deployed or committed to the database. See How You Deploy the Global Template.