Configure Recursive Drill-Down Levels

You can drill down recursively on hierarchical items (for example, accounts, products, and categories) in a report.

Recursive drill-down allows you to start at specified levels of a hierarchy and become more specific at each lower level as you drill down into it. This feature enables automatic links for hierarchical items so you can access additional levels of detail when viewing a report.

You can enable recursive drill-down only for a level that has a hierarchical output column. If an output level has a hierarchical output column and you do not enable recursive drill-down for the level, then only data for the output column’s first level can display. A level can have both regular and recursive drill-down enabled, but the drill-down links cannot be the same.

  1. Create a report output column from a hierarchical item (for example, accounts.hierarchy or incidents.prod_hierarchy).
  2. Click the Level tab and click Edit.
    The Level Settings window opens with recursive drill-down options.

    The recursive drill-down feature is automatically enabled. To disable the feature, clear the Enable Recursive Drilldown check box.

  3. Click the Starting Level drop-down list and select the starting point for the drill-down level.
    For example, starting level 1 would be the top product in your list of products. Starting level 3 would be three subproducts down from the parent product.
  4. Click the Link drop-down list and select the output column you want as the drill-down link in the report.
    By default, this is the hierarchical item.
  5. Click OK.