Edit Scheduled Entry Point Attributes

After you add a Scheduled Entry Point element to your flow diagram, you can edit its attributes to schedule regular runs of a campaign for a designated segment.

When launched, a scheduled campaign can be edited, suspended, rescheduled, or canceled at any time. Information about past runs—such as the time last run, next scheduled runtime, the time the schedule was last updated, and basic results data—is stored in the knowledge base and tracked in the Recurring Campaigns Summary report. Also, each recurrence is tracked in the campaign audit log along with a description of how many contacts were processed. See Audit Logs.

  1. Double-click the Scheduled Entry Point element to open the Scheduled Entry Point window.
    Note: To avoid conflicts, campaigns may contain only one Scheduled Entry Point. Those containing a Scheduled Entry Point cannot contain a broadcast mailing and cannot be selected to run automatically when using the Data Upload Wizard.
  2. Enter the name of the entry point in the Label field.
  3. Enter field information.

    Scheduled Entry Point Window

    Field Description

    Recurrence Pattern

    Select the weekly or monthly interval for the campaign to be launched. For example, a mailing can be sent every two weeks on Tuesday, or every month on the 7th and 19th.

    Clear All

    Click this text to clear all selected recurrence pattern check boxes.


    Select this option to display check boxes for the days of the month. You can then select the days of the month when you want to send the campaign.


    Select this option to display check boxes for each day of the week. You can then select the check boxes next to the days when you want to send the campaign.

    When you select this option, a Recur drop-down list displays where you specify the frequency of the weekly mailing or survey. For example, if you want to send a mailing every week on the days selected, enter 1 in the field. If you want the mailing to be sent every third week on the days selected, enter 3 in the field. This field accepts values from 1 to 99.

    Schedule Specific Months

    Click this header to display check boxes for the months of the year. Select the months during which you want to send the campaign. By default, every month is selected, but if you do not want to send during a specific month, you can clear the check box for that month.

    Clear All

    Click this text to clear all check boxes for the selected months.

    Range of Recurrence

    Options in this section let you specify a date range for the recurrence and time of day to send the campaign.


    Enter the start date of the schedule or click the calendar to open a calendar from which you can select the start date. The current day is the default start date.


    Enter the end date of the schedule or click the calendar to open a calendar from which you can select the end date.

    Time to execute campaign

    Enter the time of day to begin sending the campaign.

  4. Click the Segment tab and select the segment you want the campaign to act on.
    1. To exclude contacts from the segment that were included in a previous instance of the recurrence, select Exclude Previous Match.
    2. To create a new segment, click New Segment.
  5. Click the Properties tab and enter the shortcut ID of the entry point in the Shortcut ID field.
    This value is used to identify the entry point and must be unique for each campaign.
  6. Enter the name of the entry point in the Friendly Name field.
  7. To add any notes associated with the entry point, click the Notes tab and enter the notes.
  8. Click OK.