Edit a Text Field in a Report

After adding a text field to a report section, you can edit it to change the fonts, colors, text, and other attributes.

You can have one generic text field that can be added to several reports, which can then be modified in each report.

Note: Certain standard text fields, such as Record Count or Rows per Page, include values that are dynamically updated when the report is run. You can edit these fields, but you cannot edit their dynamic value placeholders.
  1. Right-click the text field in the report section on the design surface and select Edit Text Field.
    Tip: If you know the specific options you want, it can be faster to select them from the ribbon. Opening the window gives you an overview of all the available options.
    The Edit Text Field window opens.
  2. Edit the text field on the Edit Text Field window.
  3. Click OK.