Edit a Workspace

You can edit a workspace to modify which fields, controls, and properties your staff members have access to.

The designer ribbon provides access only to fields, controls, and properties that apply to the workspace type. Controls specific to answers, for example, cannot be added to opportunity workspaces.

By default, most workspace types are blank on top with a single tab on the bottom. Workspaces displayed in their own windows, such as quotes and quote products, are empty. You can adjust the location of the tabbed area on the workspace by selecting the workspace on the design space and choosing the location you want from the Tab Alignment button on the Design tab. You can also adjust the space allotted to the two main areas of the workspace by selecting options from the Threshold Height and Summary Panel Height buttons on the Design tab.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Application Appearance, and then double-click Workspaces. (If workflows are enabled, the item is labeled Workspaces/Workflows.)
    The Workspaces explorer opens on the content pane.
  3. Right-click the workspace you want to edit and select Open.
    The workspace opens on the content pane.
  4. Drag the fields you want from the Insert Field tab onto the design space.
  5. Drag the controls and relationship items you want from the Insert Control tab onto the design space.
  6. To modify the properties for fields and controls, select the item, click the Design tab, and make the appropriate changes.
  7. To customize options specific to chat workspaces, click Options on the Home tab.
  8. To customize the workspace ribbon, click Ribbon on the Home tab.
  9. To hide the workspace ribbon, click Ribbon on the Home tab, then click Configure Quick Access Buttons, and deselect all buttons.
  10. To add workspace rules that alter the display or behavior of items on the workspace or the values in its fields, click Rules on the Home tab. You can also select an item on the workspace and then click Add Rule on the Rules tab.
    Note: The Rules button and Rules tab are available only when workspace rules are enabled, and are not available for multi-edit workspaces. To enable workspace rules, contact your Oracle account manager.
  11. To view a history of all actions taken on the workspace, such as when the workspace was created and edited, and by whom, click Audit Log on the Home tab.
  12. To invoke spell checking on fields that have the spell checking property enabled whenever a record that uses this workspace is saved, click Spell Check on the Home tab and select Auto-Check Spelling on Save.
  13. To permit staff members to cancel automatic spell checking, click Spell Check and select Allow Canceling Auto-Check. When this option is not selected, staff members will be unable to save the record if they cancel spell checking.
  14. To add notes about the workspace, click Notes on the Home tab to open the Workspace Notes window.
    1. Enter any notes you want in the text field.
    2. Click OK.
    Notes added to your workspace are for internal use and are visible only when editing the workspace. They do not appear when working with records.
  15. To hide the banner flag on an answer, contact, incident, opportunity, or organization workspace, click the Insert Control tab and clear the Banner Flag check box.
    When visible, staff can use the banner flag to set an importance indicator and enter text pertaining to the record. The banner flag does not appear on asset, chat, task, quote, quote product, or multi-edit workspaces.
  16. To see what your workspace will look like when it is used by staff members, click the Home tab and click Preview.
    You can choose to see the workspace as it will display when creating a record or when editing an existing record on the agent desktop or on the Agent Browser UI.
  17. Click Save or Save As.

What to do next

Staff members may need to log out and then log back in to see any changes you have applied.