Edit an Individual Value Inline

When editing options are enabled in a report, the data shown for a record on the report can be edited directly without opening the record.

Editing options vary depending on the type of field being edited. For example, a text field presents a text box and a menu field presents a drop-down list.

  1. Click the row that displays the information you want to edit.
    Tip: You can see which fields can be edited inline by hovering over the fields on the selected row. Fields that can be edited are highlighted in blue.
  2. Click the field that you want to change. Editing options specific to the field’s data type display. For example, menu options display for menu fields and date options display for date fields.
  3. Enter the new value.
  4. Press Enter or click outside the field you’re editing. Changes to some field types are applied automatically when you enter the value.
    Tip: You can press Esc to cancel the edit.
  5. If inline edits aren't saved to the server automatically, click Save to save the change to the server. See Save Edits Performed Inline.